
Title: ICAO and aerospace leaders discuss important role of innovation in addressing aviation’s ‘new normal’ post-pandemic
Page Content:

Montréal, 19 May 2021 – Addressing the Board of Directors meeting of the Aerospace Industries Association earlier today, ICAO Council President Salvatore Sciacchitano commented that the UN aviation agency’s Secretariat and governing Council “are acutely aware today of how important innovation will be to aviation recovery and sustainability in the pandemic’s aftermath.”

“This is why we’ve made the acceleration of effective standardization and regulation a highest priority for the coming years,” he emphasized, “so that the benefits of the numerous innovations on manufacturer drawing boards can be realized as quickly as prudent and possible for civil society and industry.”

President Sciacchitano expressed ICAO’s appreciation to the aerospace sector for the important contributions it has been making to the outcomes of the ICAO Council’s Aviation Recovery Task Force, or ‘CART’, providing details on the latest CART Phase III recommendations and amendments which were issued in March.

The Council President noted that the latest ICAO Economic Impact Analysis has revealed that international air transport is back to 2003 levels in terms of global seat capacity, and that while ICAO expects improvement in the global picture from the third quarter of 2021, it will be heavily dependent on the effectiveness of pandemic management and vaccination roll out.

“Some encouraging signs of recovery for international traffic have begun to emerge more recently, including via air travel corridors such as Australia and New Zealand have established,” he commented, “but admittedly these attempts are still being hampered at times by the unpredictable health factors which remain in play.”

President Sciacchitano updated the Board Members on the upcoming ICAO High-Level Conference on COVID-19, scheduled for this October, noting that the countries cooperating through ICAO clearly recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis – but also an economic and financial crisis, and one which presents governments with very difficult trade-offs in terms of the health, economic, and social priorities concerned.

“The High-Level Conference this October will address economic recovery priorities, seek to formalize new and stronger national commitments to assure that recovery, and feature specialized Safety streams where your community’s views will be appreciated,” he stated.

“We should recall in this respect that while the aerospace sector typically engages with national civil aviation authorities, the pandemic has now factored national health authorities into this framework as well. Your community will have a critical near-term role to play in assuring the more health-centric and disease-preventative cabin environment that governments, operators and passengers will be striving to assure for the post-pandemic air travel experience.”

The ICAO Council President further appreciated the many innovations which the aerospace sector is already helping to realize in renewable energy sources and new types of airframes and propulsion, noting that these will play a key role “in helping our sector meet the increasingly low-emission expectations of the post-pandemic passengers which airlines will be competing to attract.”

He underscored that he expected governments to arrive at the 42nd ICAO Assembly next year with clear expectations on what these health and environmental sustainability innovations will need to deliver, and on how the ICAO work programme will need to be tailored to aid that delivery.

A specialized agency of the United Nations, ICAO was created by governments in 1944 to support their diplomacy on international air transport matters. Since that time, countires have adopted over 12,000 standards and practices through ICAO which help to align their national regulations relevant to aviation safety, security, efficiency, capacity and environmental protection, enabling a truly global network to be realized. ICAO forums also provide opportunites for advice and advocacy to be shared with government decision-makers by industry groups, civil society NGO’s, and other officially-recognized air transport stakeholders. 
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