Ignites Meeting Approves Launch Of Innovation, Acceleration Of Funds For Pakistani Startups – UrduPoint

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 12th Jun, 2022 ) :The board meeting of Ignite National Technology Fund– a public sector company associated with the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication approved the annual budget for 2022-23 and the revamped Research and Innovation Framework presented by the management.

The 91st meeting was chaired by Aisha Humera Chaudhry, Additional Secretary, MoITT, said a news release issued here.

The proposed framework supports all of the stages of innovation from R&D on the scientific underpinnings of breakthrough technologies, to concept validation and demonstration of breakthrough technologies and innovations to meet real-world needs.

The evaluation of proposals will be conducted utilizing a structure of high-level scientific panels comprising industry and academic experts.

Financial support is provided through three main instruments: the ‘Challenge-driven Innovation Fund’ for solving societal challenges by applying breakthrough technologies, and the ‘Technology Transition Fund’ for transforming research results into innovation opportunities.

Ignite will also plan and launch an acceleration fund for pre-seed funding of early-stage startups. This will address the access to capital issue for many early-stage startups.

Qualified startups will be evaluated and selected through a competitive process. Besides that, Ignite will also organize competitions in the form of hackathons during the year on selected topics of interest such as cleantech, cybersecurity, edtech, etc. Ignite plans to initiate the process for these programs from July 2022 onwards.

Ignite has recently launched version 2.0 of its popular Digiskills online training program for freelancers which includes 5 new courses in video editing and animation, data analytics and business intelligence, affiliate marketing, virtual assistant, and communication skills.

The popularity of the digiskills program can be gauged from the fact that online registrations for the 2nd batch were opened on 1st June and 250,000 registrations for 15 digiskills courses were completed by June 5 in five days only.