IIT Guwahati Faculty awarded the Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship by INAE

GUWAHATI: For the very first time in Assam and the entire northeast, the Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship by Indian national Academy of Engineering (INAE) was awarded to Faculty professor of Indian Institute of technology, Guwahati, Professor Mihir Kumar Purkait on August 30 this year.
Professor MK Purkait is currently Head of Centre for the Environment and Professor of Chemical Engineering Department, IIT Guwahati.

Speaking about the Fellowship, prof Purkait said, “I am glad that INAE and Department of Science and Technology (DST) have insulted this award to recognize the technology innovators in India. I am honoured by this recognition.”

The prestigious fellowship has been recently instituted to recognise, encourage and support translational research by individuals who have achieved excellence in engineering, innovation and technology development.

The Fellowship will support professor Purkait in conducting advance research in the in the area of Prototype development for antioxidant extraction from tea leaves and production of low cost antioxidant tablets and capsules.

The award citation includes, “Your selection is in recognition of your outstanding contributions in the field of Membrane Technology as well as your contribution in the growth of the engineering profession in the country.”

Prof Purkait said that Green tea leaves are widely available in the north eastern states, particularly in Assam and would be readily available for catechins production. It is pertinent to mention here that one of major novelty of outcome of this award is to improve socio-economic conditions of growing tea garden of Assam sate as currently commercial tea processing in the northeastern (NE) states are adversely affected due to poor marketing.

The demonstration of developed technique and prototype for Catechins tablet / capsule will definitely encourage growing tea gardens of this region to adopt the technology and expand marketing in addition to their tea business.

The demonstration of developed technique and prototype for Catechins tablet / capsule will definitely encourage growing tea gardens of this region to adopt the technology and expand marketing in addition to their tea business.

“This would create new job opportunity for the local educated people and would be in line with the “Act east” policy of Government of India as well as “Advantage Assam” policy of government of Assam”, added professor Purkait.

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