IITA Youth Agripreneur program wins the 2019 International innovation award for sustainable food and agriculture

The youth program of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) has won the 2019 International Innovation Award for sustainable food and Agriculture.

The award is in recognition of IITA’s commitment to improving both agribusiness opportunities and creditworthiness of youth across Africa.

The award which is the first of its kind and funded by the Government of Switzerland, was presented during the  41st  conference of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) at its Headquarters in Rome—an event that was attended by high-level government representatives across the globe on June 26, 2019.

FAO Director General, José Graziano da Silva  said, “My congratulations to all of you. Your work is an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for your contribution.”

He added, “It is very important to showcase positive results and concrete ways in which we can work together.”

The award which  was in two categories; category A, ‘award for excellence and digitization and innovation for sustainable food systems’, and category B ‘International innovation award  for sustainable food and agriculture’,  reflects the important role of innovation for the future of sustainable food and agriculture and the improvement of food security and nutrition for all, particularly in the face of increased environmental challenges, in accordance with the United Nations decade of family farming (which runs through the years 2019-2028), and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

Receiving the category B award on behalf of IYA, Evelyn Ohanwusi the Head of IITA Youth Agripreneurs (IYA), appreciated the organizers and sponsors of the award saying; “IITA Youth Agripreneurs (IYA) is grateful to have been recognized as an innovation that empowers youth in agriculture and food systems and chosen among other qualified nominees. We sincerely appreciate the Government of Switzerland and the Food and Agriculture Organization for contributing to our success story.”

She dedicated the award to young people involved in agricultural transformation, and  urged them to keep working hard towards resolving the problems of food insecurity and unemployment in Africa.

“This award is dedicated to all youths in the agriculture and food systems across the world especially in Africa. We have started the revolution and yes, we can achieve more!” she added.

The IITA Youth Agripreneur Program is a youth in agribusiness initiative that was established in 2012, by the Director General of the IITA, Dr. Nteranya Sanginga, to address the issue of widespread youth unemployment, and to provide a platform that propels young people towards self-employment in agriculture. The program started in Ibadan, Oyo state Nigeria and has expanded into 13 groups with over 385 members operating 36 learning-by-doing enterprises in about 10 African countries including; Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan, Madagascar, and Togo

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