I’ll make Eastern Region Ghana’s research and innovation hub – Alan

I'll make Eastern Region Ghana's research and innovation hub - Alan

Flagbearer and leader of the Movement for Change, Alan Kyerematen, has made a solemn pledge to make the Eastern Region Ghana’s premier research and innovation hub if elected president in the upcoming December polls. Mr. Kyerematen made the pledge during his market tour of the Eastern Region on Thursday, March 21. Aimed at engaging with market women to have a better understanding of the challenges they face, the Movement for Change leader was in seven communities, including Nwasam, Kade, Adeiso, Akwatia, Suhum, Asamankesse, and Koforidua. Highlighting the region’s vast potential, Mr. Kyerematen emphasized its suitability for transformation into a research and innovation hub within the West African sub-region, citing its existing concentration of research centres affiliated with the University of Ghana. He underscored the region’s unique attributes, including abundant land and diverse ethnic demographics. Mr. Kyerematen articulated his vision to replicate the success of the Research Triangle and Silicon Valley in the United States of America, leveraging technology to drive national development. He stressed that realizing this vision hinges on the people of the Eastern Region turning out in large numbers to vote for him in the upcoming elections. Mr. Kyerematen underscored the importance of electing him, symbolically referred to as the “Butterfly,” to bring about the desired transformation. Explaining his decision to run as an independent candidate, Mr. Kyerematen criticized both the National Democratic Congress and the governing New Patriotic Party for failing to meet the electorate’s expectations over the years. He lamented their shared track record of resorting to International Monetary Fund interventions after successive terms in power. Mr. Kyerematen urged Ghanaians to reconsider their voting patterns, advocating for a shift towards his candidacy to usher in the transformation needed for the country’s progress. Explore the world of impactful news with CitiNewsroom on WhatsApp! Click on the link to join the Citi Newsroom channel for curated, meaningful stories tailored just for YOU: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaCYzPRAYlUPudDDe53x No spams, just the stories that truly matter! #StayInformed #CitiNewsroom #CNRDigital