“In the COVID-19 Age – Security, Cyber, and Innovation Have Gained Superior Importance,” Said Avi Yariv, INNOTECH International Conference Broadcast Chairman – iHLS

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The INNOTECH International Live Conference Broadcast for HLS, Cyber, and Innovation on December 8-9 will host the leading experts at the intriguing panel discussion. You will be able to watch the special broadcast and interact with the participants.

In a special interview with iHLS, INNOTECH Chairperson Avi Yariv, a cyber, intelligence and HLS expert, iHLS co-founder, said that “the COVID-19 year has changed the world order, primarily challenging governance order, security, and personal wellbeing of each and every one of us.” He added that “in this global state of affairs, crime rates are increasing (“regular”, cyber, organized, and financial crime, as well as terrorism and its financing, etc.). Crime is rising both due to the economic situation and state of uncertainty as well as because conscienceless elements see the emergency situation as an opportunity to take advantage of.”

Yariv emphasized that “to our relief, we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel regarding the pandemic, thanks to the vaccines, but even then – it will take the economic condition and governance order a long time to return to normal. Having said that, security, cyber, and innovation have gained superior importance in ensuring governance order and personal security, and in starting a new era – these are the themes at the heart of the INNOTECH conference and more, and this explains the event’s strategic importance and the global interest it has been attracting.”

Guy Mizrahi, Chief Cyber Officer, Rayzone Group, and Chairperson of the Cyber session, told i-HLS: “In the intriguing cyber realm, the present era has been characterized by unclear boundaries in several aspects: First, the conflict between the need to secure the citizens’ health during the COVID-19 pandemic and working from home with organizational assets, the desire to keep protecting privacy, and the concern whether the data saved on the cloud or in the organization is indeed secure when it is accessed from a non-controlled environment.” 

Mizrahi added that “the organizational information has become part of the employees’ “home”. The attack surface has grown considerably, and we moved from bring your own device to bring organizational assets to home.”

“The asymmetry in cyber attacks and the need of organizations to defend themselves against attacking states raise some important dilemmas and substantial challenges.” 

“In recent years, we have witnessed the fact that connecting critical infrastructures to the network has exposed them to growing cyber threats.” As Guy Mizrah concluded, “INNOTECH conference is undoubtedly a unique opportunity to discuss all these important issues.”

Brig. Gen. (res.) Sharon Nir, former commander of IDF National School of Communication & Cyber Defense, former Gender Advisor to the Chief of Staff, is the Chairperson of the conference’s HLS session. Nir told iHLS that “5G technology is a game-changer in all aspects of life. Supreme data rates and technological wealth will certainly influence the lives of all of us and provide solutions that it’s even hard to imagine, but what restrictions will be set upon us? Could big data, IoT, and smart cities forcibly close us all in the Big Brother reality show?”

Ran Natanzon, Head of Innovation and Country Branding, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chairperson of the conference’s Innovation session, emphasizes that “innovation constitutes a central engine of growth all over the world. Israel is characterized by the integration of innovation in all sectors and aspects of life. Israeli technological developments are relevant today to industries and states all over the world.” 

Natanzon added: “The Innovation session will refer to the developments and technologies from the basis of infrastructures to the high spheres of space, the transformations in these fields have been improving the lives of millions of people. We will also have a look at the heart of the innovation processes and try to understand how companies adopt internal and external innovation.”

The conference and discussion panels will be narrated by Ya’akov Eilon, journalist and TV news presenter.

The Cyber Discussion Panels will focus on current dilemmas, especially over the backdrop of the COVID-19 challenges:

The use of spying products on citizens during a pandemic

Unclear boundaries – who moved my information? 

The future and cyber innovation 

Asymmetry in cyber attacks – Next-generation IR

OT, IoT, and SCADA

HLS Discussion Panels will discuss the added value of personal security for the public’s quality of life:

Smart and safe cities vs. “comfortable cities” and quality of life

Cellular 5G as an enabler or thwarter: added value, regulation, threats, and opportunities

Personal security during the COVID-19 age

Innovation Discussion Panels will elaborate on how innovation is enabled in various contexts, and look into the accelerating factors vis a vis the barriers:

Future infrastructure – the next generation of managing and securing cities and infrastructures

Space – the New Domain

Innovation in the IDF

Innovation of Innovation – how to bring innovation into organizations? 

*The agenda is subject to changes by the organizers