Innovation and creativity at Palmwag Lodge & Camp – Gondwana Collection, Namibia

As the year nears its end, we reflect on an incredibly challenging year in which previously unmatched difficulties were faced, particularly within Namibia’s Tourism sector. In the words of Gondwana Collection Namibia’s Managing Director Gys Joubert, a new reality dawned on us which did not include anything recognizable or familiar. And yet, in the midst of all this, people have still found opportunities to show innovation and creativity, even in the simplest of ways. Two employees at Palmwag Lodge & Camp, Erwin Kandivi and Hendrik Jameson, proceeded to do exactly that.

Palmwag Lodge & Camp is located in the northwestern parts of the country, in the harsh and dry Kunene region. Despite the hot climate here in Damaraland, these two Gondwanians decided to utilize their time innovatively and constructively by packing rocks around various trees and plants on the property. Every individual rock was packed by hand either in circular forms or in a heart shape and even star shapes.