Innovation Day Madrid

11 December 2018: EIT Digital Spain Innovation Day – There Is No Innovation Without Education
The digital transformation is one of the most impactful changes going on in our society and it affects the daily life of every single individual. Europe needs to play a prominent role in this transformation in order to ensure that European values are preserved in the digital world to the benefit of our citizens, institutions and businesses. To do so, EIT Digital believes in the key relevance of a pertinent education, focused in the right knowledge and skills required in the global and fast-changing economy of our time.
The EIT Digital Spain Innovation Day 2018 will provide an overview of our recent achievements, with focus on Spain, as well as an outlook of the future prospective in the context of the Strategic Innovation Agenda 2017-19. A high-level Panel will involve key actors from the national and regional governments, and from the Spanish innovation ecosystem, to reflect upon the opportunities and challenges related to digital innovation within the strengths and weaknesses of our education systems.
The Innovation Day is inspiring, exciting and informing. It will also provide you with a great opportunity for networking with attendees from a diverse range of organizations working in the digital ecosystem, representing large corporates, SMEs, investors, leading technical universities and research institutes.
A full detailed agenda will be sent to you in the following weeks; in the meantime, note that the event will take place in our Co-Location Centre from 9am to 3pm.
EIT Digital Madrid Node
IMDEA Software Institute Building
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)