Innovation Draws Mallow “Big Guns”

Innovation Draws Mallow “Big Guns”

The Minister delivered his speech to a large crowd of local politicians and dignitaries at the offices of Spiralli Web Design and Development in Market Square. Among those in attendance were Mayor of Mallow, Cllr Willie O’Regan, President of Mallow Chamber Pat O’Sullivan, Margaret Desmond of RAPID and John Mc Donnell of Mallow Development Partnership. The Mallow Development Partnership has been heavily involved in preparing Mallow for the upturn in the economy and has been working closely with CIT, UCC and UL on product development, marketing and other economic projects since launching the “Mallow-Join the Move” initiative in September 2010. Spiralli has been encouraging local businesses to link together and to creatively use their resources during the recession. Minister Sherlock was enthusiastic about Spiralli’s efforts. “By thinking locally and working together we can generate a synergy that will grow the economy. We need to mind our businesses; we need to look out for each other. Spiralli is an example of the kind of business spirit that can make a difference” , the Minister said. Another speech was delivered on the night by artist and innovator Róisín Markham of CreativeDynamix. Róisín is an advocate for looking at the workplace in a different light and seeing alternative ways of completing processes or stimulating the mind. “Creativity in business is about making space for new ideas and different ways of doing things. It’s more than coloured markers in the board room and art on the walls.  For example, Spiralli’s premises, the art on the walls is a great place to start. It is fantastic to see business forge links with artists. The new business centre in the heart of Mallow is defining itself as having an innovative edge already.” Spiralli owners Niamh Ní Chearbhaill and Ivan O’Donoghue were delighted with the turn out on the night and that there was such interest in innovation in Mallow business and community circles. “There was a wonderful atmosphere of positivity and enthusiasm on display, something sorely needed in today’s business community” , observed Niamh. Spiralli can be contacted at (022) 55002 For further information or to arrange an interview: Sara Mc Mahon, SmackPR, 086 2180969 or visit