Innovation in the Big Bash, Alistair Dobson

Innovation in the Big Bash, Alistair Dobson

In this Sports Geek Throwback episode, Sean Callanan interviews Alistair Dobson from episode 292, General Manager – Big Bash Leagues at Cricket Australia Key Takeaways In this Sports Geek Throwback, Alistair Dobson, General Manager of Big Bash Leagues at Cricket Australia, discusses why the Big Bash League continues to push the boundaries of innovation. The Big Bash League is constantly evolving and is unashamedly an entertainment product, still a world-class cricket league but built on its entertainment proposition. One of the objectives of the league is to create more opportunities for games to go down to the wire, adding uncertainty to the outcome. The league seeks to get coaches more involved and bring more strategic thinking into the game, influencing the game and injecting moments of interest and entertainment. There is a constant review of data and fan feedback, which feeds into the innovation process. They have a consultation process with captains, coaches, broadcasters, and a playing conditions committee that checks and balances the new ideas.