Introducing Sticky Faith Innovation, a new book for courageous leaders everywhere | Fuller Youth Institute

Consider how different your life is since the start of 2020. The global events and their aftershocks have catapulted countries, businesses, families, faith communities, the lives of young people, and youth ministry into completely different orbits. The events of COVID-19 have radically changed our questions and priorities. While we have hoped to get back to normal, we are accepting that all that remains is a “new normal.” 

Still, there is encouraging news for youth leaders. 

Youth ministry draws on a history of caring adults quickly and creatively responding to young people’s needs. Over the last 50 years, youth leaders have advocated for teenagers and their efforts have shaped how American churches see and serve them. Yet, simultaneously, many of these same leaders have recognized that life is speeding up and that youth culture is evolving at even faster rates. Today’s world requires youth ministry competencies to change and approaches to adapt. 

Change is hard, even for youth ministry. 

While many youth leaders admit that today’s young people need a new kind of youth ministry, few seem clear on how to make that turn. Still, they know they need more than triage-like approaches in order to calm ministry panic attacks. 

The great news is that the Fuller Youth Institute has been researching innovative approaches to youth ministry over the past five years. No, we did not predict the future—but we prepared for it. And that’s what makes our new book, Sticky Faith Innovation: How Your Compassion, Creativity, and Courage Can Support Young People’s Lasting Faith, written by Steve Argue and Caleb Roose, so relevant. 

Let’s keep inspiring each other to advocate for young people, everywhere.

Learn to lead change in your youth ministry with compassion, creativity, and courage.

Our team at FYI has distilled thousands of hours of conversations, hundreds of pages of notes, and a mountain of feedback and stories from youth leaders and teenagers—not to mention a legion of embarrassing failures and exciting breakthroughs—to bring you Sticky Faith Innovation, launching in January!

We’re convinced that youth ministry innovation is essential for every youth leader, whether you lead a team of youth leaders or a small group of teenagers. 

And we believe that the compassion, creativity, and courage that led you into youth ministry in the first place can inspire your next youth ministry moves. 

Sticky Faith Innovation can be your faithful guide along the way. 

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