KADE KEYO launches Small Business Innovation Challenge

In line with the vision to help create more sustainable society, KADE KEYO has unveiled Small Business Innovation Challenge ‘SBIC’.

SBIC, the Founder and CEO of KADE KEYO, Tanho Attah, told TechEconomy.ng, is targeted at Micro Small businesses and business owners, who have good businesses or business ideas and could do with some professional business support.

KADE KEYO is a platform that supports SMEs. They recently created Grow Fund designed to help people build a route to a more stable, dependable financial future built on business infrastructure, regardless of where they were in their lives.

Speaking on SBIC, Tanho told TechEconomy.ng that the team plan to make this project a part of the standard work policy, supporting at least one winner every quarter.

“The winner or winning business, will have access to our Business Box solution module which provides businesses with business solution packages, including but not limited to;

  • Business plan development
  • Business proposals
  • Pitch Deck
  • Branding
  • Consultations

“There is also a cash injection of N30,000 to such business”, Tanho said.

“Our future plans are to slowly but steadily expand our offerings to increase our rate of impact both financially and in terms of volume (number of businesses supported per quarter)

TechEconomy.ng understands that KADE KEYO will begin the process from this quarter, announcing the challenge in the month of October and selecting a winner before the end of the quarter.


How Businesses will be able to participate:

How Businesses will be able to participate:

To participate, micro small businesses or business owners interested would simply;

– follow us on any of the KADE KEYO online channels,

– produce a video that tells the story of their business and brand or idea,

– tag us @kadekeyo and

– get their previous customers to comment a review on their business.

The best business, video and review combination will win the challenge and receive the prize.

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