KLA Talks Automotive Semiconductors at #SPIElitho | Innovation | KLA

KLA is a longtime participant and sponsor of the upcoming SPIE Advanced Lithography Digital Forum held on February 22-26, 2021. SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, was founded in 1955 to advance light-based technologies. They organize major technical events, including #SPIElitho, a key forum to discuss challenges for semiconductor manufacturing across topics including lithography, patterning, inspection and metrology, and process integration.

Given the recent buzz about the importance of semiconductor chips to the automotive industry, our SPIE keynote presentation is a must-see! “The Emergence of Inline Screening for High Volume Manufacturing” will be presented by Oreste Donzella, KLA’s executive vice president of the Electronics, Packaging and Components (EPC) group. This presentation is focused on automotive semiconductor reliability and will take place in the Metrology Keynote Session on Thursday, February 25 at 8am PST. The virtual forum will include a live Q&A session.

Five Key Messages from Oreste’s Presentation:

Besides our #SPIElitho keynote presentation, KLA has multiple papers with key partners in the technical sessions that demonstrate how process control innovations support advanced patterning for semiconductors. We encourage everyone who can attend to do so! More information can be found on the conference website.