GranuAid is a natural and organic anhydrous Magnesium Sulphate, mined in Germany, containing 98 % MgSO4, used as an additive or an anti-caking agent in the production of AN based fertilizers (AN, CAN, ASN, ASS) or in NPK complex (20-20-0-13) fertilizers.

K+S is currently the only player in the market able to produce this natural formula and therefore provide a unique competitive advantage to solid fertilizer manufacturers.

Why is the use of GranuAid® unique?

The product acts as an additive, internal desiccant or as a stabilizing agent in solid fertilizers with multiple benefits:

  • Improving granulation, prevent caking by decreasing moisture in the finished product and improving Mg content in the final product.
  • In AN based fertilizer, GranuAid is applied at 0.1 – 1.0 %, typically 5 – 10 kg/MT to improve granule strength and keep the material free flowing during storage.
  • In NPK complexes (DAP-AS based fertilizer complexes), GranuAid has multiple applications and benefits:
  1. applied to the hot melt before granulation to chemically bind water as water of crystallization.
  2. applied as coating on the powder surface to strongly absorb free moisture from the air.
  3. applied during packaging to absorb left over moisture during storage.
  • GranuAid is virtually free from organic compounds, chlorides and heavy metals and helps to complement the fertilizers with additional nutrients such as Mg and S in traces.

Agronomic & Technical Advisory

The advisory service of K+S aims at transferring existing and new research findings in the field of plant nutrition to agricultural practice. Farmers all over the world benefit from this know-how, which enables them to implement new and promising methods in their fertilization practice, and to thereby improve yields and quality of their harvests. Our commitment and our expertise represent a significant contribution to securing global food supply and to protect the livelihoods of farmers. Benefit from our expertise and feel free to approach our team of international agronommists.

About K plus S Middle East

K plus S Middle East FZE (KSME) is a subsidiary of K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH, a fertilizer mining company with the headquarter in Kassel, Germany. KSME is a sales and marketing platform of the K+S group in the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey (MENAT) and India.

Located in Dubai, UAE, we offer an agricultural and industrial product portfolio. Our fertilizer specialties, mined from natural salt deposits in Europe, contain potassium, magnesium and sulfur. Under the soluFamily we also offer a wide range of water-soluble fertilizers for fertigation and foliar application.

To learn more about GranuAid®, please visit