Leadership roles and innovation under the Full moon ⋆ More love+

There’s been so much pressure to evolve. There are so many interpretations of what that looks like. You can break free from old perspectives now. Especially ones that make you feel bad, sad or mad.

Look up.

Lighting up the night, and adding it’s magical reflective power to your highest intentions, the showy Full moon takes center stage for the next few days. And although the moonlight (or clouds) may get in the way of seeing the meteor showers during the wee hours, don’t let it stop you from sky watching. Please create some time to connect to the wonder of it all.

The Neowise comet is visible late at night. The Delta Aquariid meteors too. Sirius on the horizon just before dawn is the opening of The Lion’s Gate. If ever there was a time to wonder outside and marvel at the astonishing universe, it’s right now.

It’s good for your spirit.

The Leo season makes leadership roles important. It likes truth too. A series of eclipses recently revealed a bunch of ugly truths we’ve gotta deal with now, and this Aquarius moon is priming us for the Aquarian revelations we’ll be seeing in around December 20th. (Saturn goes into a multi-year transit in Aquarius, and Jupiter goes in until May.) Age of Aquarius stuff.

When the gifts and awarenesses that you’ve got to share is for the collective good, you hold yourself to a higher standard. This is good. Knowing and trusting yourself and your place in the world is important, and you can’t let it stop the innovation that your brilliance can provide.

Go ahead and explore stuff that’s tripping your intuitive alarms. The research can lead the Muses and Guides right to you, and incite your desires and energy to do something about it. Then you’re poised and prepared for those quick intuitive flashes that’ll require some fast action.

The Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius August 3rd-6th ..while our own Sun-star shines in Leo.

Leo illuminates the cosmic ideas that come into your field as you tune in -and find out that you are the visionary leader. That’s what this timings about. Aquarius Moon gives us access to a bigger personal vision, and higher perspective…and you already know from that powerful vantage point – we are all one.

Aquarius adds energy to any collaborative efforts and to all the humanitarians. This stuff is activated in your psyche now too. Specifically where you have Aquarius in your Natal astrology chart. Where do you want to make a difference or help out? Revolutionaries, you can can get some support here.

On a personal level, if you can be more broad-minded with your goals (and personal routines & rituals), you’ll be open to the new, possibly unusual, ways to actually make them all work out brilliantly. Let go of the old way and be receptive to the new life that’s trying to come through you now. I’ll help you see what’s possible.