Learning From Enterprises Creating Impact On The Brisbane Social Enterprise Tour — Impact Boom | Social Impact Blog & Podcast | Global Changemaker Community | Social Innovation, Enterprise, Design

Co-Founder Kim Rollason-Nokes provided insights into the set up and some of the key challenges they’ve faced to date. Mantua is a social enterprise which is bringing to life ethical, Australian-based sewing manufacturing through the under-utilised, but highly-skilled sewing expertise of women from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Next up, the group got a tour through the soon to be opened Jigsaw space, a social enterprise that trains and transitions people with disability into award wage employment. Jigsaw believes people prepare best for work, through work. The Brisbane office is due to employ at least 50 people in the coming months and will soon be up there as one of Australia’s largest employment-focussed social enterprises.

The group then assembled in the theatre where we were joined by the various directors, including White Box Co-Founder Lisa Siganto, Jigsaw Hub Expansion Manager Tim Sprey and Hotel Housekeeping General Manager Shannon Price. We heard further news and updates and it’s exciting to hear of the strong ambition amongst the social enterprises stationed at the district.