Living Tomorrow Innovation Campus Paves Way for Future Smart Cities

Living Tomorrow Innovation Campus Paves Way for Future Smart Cities

Smart cities of tomorrow will drive connectivity, sustainability, and digitalization. MarketsandMarkets says the global smart cities market was worth $511.6 billion in 2022 and will reach just over a trillion dollars ($1,024.4 billion) by 2027. In sectors like healthcare, mobility, and hospitality, connected technologies will make all the difference. Specifically, technologies like AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) will help bring smart-city projects to life in ways that leverage predictive analysis and realtime decisionmaking.

A research paper that explored how AI helped enable smart cities and smart-city concepts between 2014 and 2021 found the sectors that leveraged AI the most were healthcare, mobility, privacy and security, and energy. Interestingly, the research suggests that after the pandemic began hitting cities in 2019, the healthcare space intensified its adoption of AI by 60%.

The Living Tomorrow Innovation Campus, an experimental lab outside of Brussels, Belgium, plans to become Europe’s largest such facility. The plans include a Digital Experience Center, a 10,000-square-meter demo center that encompasses a conference center and 96 hotel rooms outfitted with smart technologies. The Digital Experience Center will demonstrate how autonomous networks may operate in the future. It will also show how digital twins can transform network operations, as well as product development and the customer journey.  

Living Tomorrow recently announced it selected Extreme Networks, a cloud networking provider, as its network connectivity partner. Extreme Networks will build, test, and validate the cutting-edge experiences being tested at the Living Tomorrow Innovation Campus. Specifically, the campus will rely on Extreme’s wired and wireless networking solutions, including hundreds of AP4000 Wi-Fi 6E access points. It will also benefit from the company’s AI solutions that automate tasks, such as performing day-to-day network maintenance and monitoring network activity for anomalies.

Living Tomorrow’s House of the Future has already helped test concepts and introduce innovations like solar panels, EVs (electric cars), and video conferencing. The new Living Tomorrow Innovation Campus is designed to do the same for technologies and solutions such as drone transportation, remote surgeries, and AVs (autonomous vehicles). 

Thanks to solutions like ExtremeAnalytics and ExtremeCloud IQ from Extreme Networks, campus operators will be able to gain insight into network performance and application usage to optimize connectivity across the campus, improve guest experiences, and enhance security and IT productivity. The cloud-powered campus will serve as a test bed and accelerator for future smart-city solutions, spurring growth, innovation, and adoption.

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