Louth company scoops prestigious seafood innovation award for Dunnes Stores salmon dish | Independent.ie

One of Ireland’s oldest seafood businesses, the Louth company scooped the prestigious award for its popular salmon darne product, topped with garlic and herb butter and wrapped with Irish chorizo ribbon, which is sold under the Dunnes Stores premium ‘Simply Better’ range.
BIM CEO, Caroline Bocquel, announced the 163-year-old company, which is based in Omeath, as the winner of the prestigious award at the Blas na hÉireann Irish Food Awards in Dingle, Co. Kerry.
The Award recognises excellence in seafood innovation through the entire supply chain from product creation to the use of process technology to developing new markets.
Presenting the award, Ms Bocquel said: “In what is a very competitive space it is vital that our seafood processers are encouraged to be more innovative and to incorporate new technologies which result in a seafood product that attracts new markets and increases sales.”
“Morgan’s Fine Fish is a company with a rich heritage and with knowledge and experience passed down from generation to generation. But they have also embraced innovation and new technologies to create fantastic new products which are giving them a competitive advantage.”
She added: “In winning this award Morgan’s clearly demonstrated knowledge of the basic concepts of food product development, supported by a dynamic business and marketing plan. They built a strong partnership with Dunnes Stores that allowed them reach high market penetration via Dunnes ‘Simply Better’ premium food range. The company has a significant production capacity, with strong financial and sales growth.”
Sales manager of Morgan’s Fine Fish, Gillian Morgan, said the company was honoured to win the prestigious award. “Blas na hÉireann is a true showcase for all Irish food producers and a celebration of the best of Irish food. To win here is fantastic.”
Gillian, a 5th generation of Morgan’s to work in the company, also thanked Dunne’s Stores for their support. Morgan’s has been selling various products in Dunne’s under the “Simply Better” range for almost a year.
“This award is the culmination of hard work. It is important to keep innovating in what is a very competitive space,” said Gillian.
In the last year Morgan’s Fine Fish has invested in an energy improvement scheme and packaging and smoking technologies with funding support from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve, which is implemented by BIM.
Morgan’s Fine Fish were presented with a cheque for €800 and they also won €4,000 worth of BIM’s Seafood Innovation Hub assistance.