Mapping global variation in human movement|Nature Human Being Behaviour
The geographic variation of human movement is largely unidentified, primarily due to an absence of precise and scalable information. Here we explain global human mobility patterns, aggregated from over 300 million mobile phone users. The information cover nearly all countries and 65% of Earth’s inhabited surface area, including cross-border motions and global migration. This scale and coverage enable us to develop a globally thorough human motion typology. We measure how human motion patterns vary throughout sociodemographic and environmental contexts and present worldwide motion patterns across nationwide borders. Fitting analytical designs, we validate our information and discover that human movement laws apply at 10 times shorter distances and motion decreases 40% more quickly in low-income settings. These outcomes and information are made available to more understanding of the role of human movement in response to fast demographic, financial and environmental changes.We thank A. Bar, C. Black, A. Broder, S. Cadrecha, S. Cason, C. Cattuto, C. Chou, K. Chou, I. Conroy, L. Davidoff, J. Dean, J. Degener, D. Desfontaines, X. Dotiwalla, P. Eastham, J. Freidenfelds, E. Gabrilovich, V. Hoang, S. Holland, M. Howell, P.-P. Jiang, A. Lange, B. Mehta, C. Niedermeyer, G. Park, O. Pybus, P. Ramaswami, C. Rigby, K. Rough, F. Sekles, C. Seto, A. Stein, C. Thota, M. Tizzoni, A. Vespignani and A. Zlatinov for their insights and assistance. M.U.G.K. is supported by the Society in Science, the Branco Weiss Fellowship, administered by the ETH Zurich and acknowledges financing from a Training Grant from the National Institute of Kid Health and Human Development (T32HD040128) and the Oxford Martin School. J.S.B. and M.U.G.K. acknowledge assistance from the National Library of Medication of the National Institutes of Health (R01LM010812, R01LM011965) and a Google Faculty Award (to M.U.G.K.). Q.Z., T.A.P. and D.L.S. are supported by a BMGF grant (OPP1110495). T.A.P. also acknowledges support from the Defense Advanced Research Study Projects Firm (D16AP00114). The funders had no role in research study design, data collection and analysis, choice to release or preparation of the manuscript.