Media Advisory: WV Hive, Country Roads Angel Network showcase contributions to entrepreneurial ecosystem during Bridging Innovation Week

April 4-7 sessions in Charleston highlight entrepreneurship, jobs, startups, investments
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CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Hive and Country Roads Angel Network (CRAN) will collaboratively participate and showcase program impact on the April 4-7 Bridging Innovation Week events at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center.
Judy Moore, executive director of the WV Hive and managing director of CRAN, and Kevin Combs, chairman of CRAN, are leading key conversations on the importance of small business development, new jobs, investment opportunities, and mentoring of new start-ups throughout the state.
Media are invited to interview Judy Moore and/or Kevin Combs leading up to and during Bridging Innovation Week in West Virginia.
Moore and Combs will be contributing to concurrent sessions being held from 1-1:50 p.m. Tuesday, April 5.
Small Business Entrepreneurship (how to start, resources for entrepreneurs)
Kyle Gillis, Iconic Air
Michele O’Connor, Jobs Investment Trust
Ursulette Huntley, Unlimited Future, Inc.
Mary Hunt, Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation.
Moderator: Judy Moore, WV Hive
Innovative Financing Models and Approaches for Small Business
Bradley Sergent-Jobs Investment Trust
Kevin Combs, CRAN
Christy Laxton, Wyoming County Economic Development Authority
Moderator: Rich Giersch, TechConnect WV
From 5-8 p.m. April 5, Country Roads Angel Network will host an event for investor members and potential investor members. Four small businesses will be pitching CRAN investors for funding to build their enterprises. CRAN, the only certified angel investment network in West Virginia serving all 55 counties, has made five investments in three Mountain State businesses – Iconic Air, Endolumik, Inc., and Mountain Steer Meat Company.
Kris Warner, executive director of the West Virginia Economic Development Authority, will offer keynote remarks between dinner and the business pitches.
The WV Hive is the entrepreneurship program of the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority and the administrator of the Country Roads Angel Network. More information about the WV Hive can be found at and CRAN at
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Judy Moore –, (304) 669-4870
Mike Fulton –, (301) 651-2508
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