More than 1,000 endorsements for Energy Innovation Act

By Flannery Winchester

This fall, the Energy Innovation Act has seen some exciting milestones and momentum. The bill has continued gaining cosponsors at a steady clip—there are now 66 representatives signed on as of today. 

This growing support within Congress is being driven by support outside of Congress. CCLers across the country have been hard at work gathering endorsements for the bill from businesses, faith groups, nonprofits, prominent individuals and others. Recently, the Energy Innovation Act crossed the impressive milestone of 1,000 endorsements. 

As CCL’s Dr. Danny Richter said in a recent update video, “Carbon pricing isn’t just a wonky idea economists like—it’s now something that real people in communities all around the country are rallying behind.”

CCL’s September DC legislative update

CCL’s Danny Richter gives the latest scoop on the Energy Innovation Act and the new bipartisan Senate working committee.

Posted by Citizens Climate Lobby on Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How are these endorsements happening?

Endorsements are rolling in “thanks to a lot of hard work by many CCL volunteers,” CCL’s Action Coordinator T. Todd Elvins says. Volunteers start by engaging a prominent community leader, developing a relationship, and working with the influencer to determine and take an action that shows their support for the Energy Innovation Act. 

Community leaders may take any number of actions in support of the bill. For example, they may schedule a call or a meeting with their members of Congress or editorial board, write an op-ed, host a site visit or presentation, or speak about climate impacts and solutions at a chamber, professional group, Rotary, Union or trade association.

Endorsing the bill is, of course, an important action too. Volunteers have secured more than 1,000 endorsements, spanning 69% of congressional districts and 48 states so far.

In addition to the volunteers securing these endorsements, a small volunteer team handles the administrative side of the endorsement process. “These volunteers have done a terrific job,” Todd says. “Many endorsements require some interaction with the person who submitted the endorsement to clarify their organization’s details or affiliation. Thanks to the team for all of their hours of work.” 

All endorsements are submitted at , and upon successful validation, are listed publicly on this interactive endorsement map. On the map, you can view endorsements by state or by congressional district, or you can search for a specific endorsement by name. The most prominent endorsements are also listed on the “Supporters” page at

Secure endorsements yourself

This collection of 1,000 bill endorsements shows strong support from community leaders for the Energy Innovation Act,” Todd says. “All of us who worked to secure and process the endorsements are looking forward to seeing the impact they’ll have on members of Congress.”If you’d like to join the effort, visit CCL Community for the latest guidance for securing endorsements. You can find step by step instructions on the “Engaging Community Leaders” page, as well as a video training and links to additional resources. You can also check out the “Grasstops Engagement” forum to discuss endorsement work with other CCL volunteers.

The post appeared first on Citizens’ Climate Lobby.