Motion control player presents cutting solution for stent production – Med-Tech Innovation | Latest news for the medical device industry

Its fully integrated movement system combines automated material handling functions with a direct drive for both linear and rotary motions.

According to the manufacturer, this integrated linear rotation design enables a two to five-fold increase in throughput compared to conventional drive principles based on ball screws or others, and can allow for manufacturing tolerances in the sub-micrometre range.

Norbert Ludwig, managing director of Aerotech, said: “The increased throughput of the VascuLathe system means that medical technology manufacturers need fewer machines to produce the same amount of stents when compared to conventional production methods.”

The VascuLathe consists of an automated, pneumatically activated ER collet unit and an optional socket/tube feed mechanism, which allows for fully automated sequential production of various stents from raw materials of any length. Also, a wet cutting configuration is available for applications that require coolant to be applied during the cutting process.

The platform comes with an Aerotech control system. Without having to do a lot of programming work, users may optimise current, speed and position servo loops for maximum performance. Additional functions such as “Multiblock-Look Ahead” can generate paths to minimise geometrical errors that may occur if the radius is small by “proactively” controlling the cutting speed. The function “Position Synchronised Output” (PSO) lets you control laser pulses with position synch to maintain an optimal laser output link when cutting speeds vary.

Ludwig added: “This new stent manufacturing solution continues our successful line of high performance motion systems and components for medical technology and life science applications.

“With our motion systems and components, we offer medical technology manufacturers a competitive advantage in a cut-throat market.”