Moviebook’s Digital Factory Wins the 2021 GPDP Innovation Award for Best of Exhibition Space

Built based on digital twin technology, the award-winning digital factory supports the whole lifecycle management of digital merchandise production on a business platform driven by an enormous amount of complete product data. Given the increasing demand for digital design and intelligent manufacturing, Moviebook created a digital factory that implements an intelligent manufacturing process based on multiple next-generation information technologies, including digital twins and artificial intelligence, with the aim of enhancing its corporate value chain and core competitiveness.

The exhibition space where the digital factory is displayed opted for white as the background to reflect the orderliness and clarity associated with the concept of technology. Crisp black and grey lines underscored by blue accents further highlight the intelligent manufacturing theme and the enhancement in production efficiency while delivering a multi-dimensional, multi-layered hierarchal visual experience.

Simple and modern layout matching with the succinct selection of colors lights up the theme of intelligent manufacturing and the sense of hi-tech. The overall spatial plan underlines the innovation in design of the manufacturing, along with the operational and decision-making models. Through the intelligent digital collection of product data, coupled with the visualized and intelligent digital twin production systems, the digital factory enables digital production of all types of products at scale as well as scenario-based and multimodal presentation and application, empowering traditional sectors, including pan-retail and manufacturing.

About Moviebook

Moviebook, a leading AI-powered infrastructure and service provider of intelligent video production, aims at empowering monetization capacity for clients from new retail, media, education, and culture through intelligent vision. Building on technological advantages in fields of computer vision, computer graphics, among others, Moviebook significantly improves the production efficiency of visual content and innovates ways of presenting and interacting with such content. By applying AI technologies to videos, Moviebook is pioneering a wide variety of application scenarios for intelligent video production technologies.

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