New space age collaboration: how Taiwan’s satellite supply chain is driving innovation

New space age collaboration: how Taiwan's satellite supply chain is driving innovation

In a swiftly changing arena of space technology marked by intense competition on both domestic and international fronts, the concept of disruptive innovation and technology beckons for interdisciplinary collaboration. Industry experts share their success stories, showcasing how various disciplines can join forces, propelling advancements in the field of space technologies.

Dr. Kuan-Chun Weng, the Chairman of Advanced Material Systems, highlighted the critical role of materials in space-related endeavors. The speech addressed the importance of weight and strength considerations in space projects and emphasized the need for innovative materials to overcome the challenges of heat during spacecraft re-entry to Earth.

Agreeing upon various breakthroughs, such as the use of technologies like new materials, composite materials in space-related endeavors, Dr. Jyh-Ching Juang, Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering National Cheng Kung University, indicated the ongoing paradigm shift in the space industry, emphasizing the significant technological advancements that have been made in this “new space” era, often referred to as Space 2.0. He also emphasized the significance of education and the establishment of institutes focused on space system engineering, fostering talent in the space industry. A successful example is CubeSat, which resulted from interdisciplinary collaboration among universities, industries, and TASA.

Revealing the collaboration with TASA and the intention to launch CubeSats, Dr. Yu-Jiu Wang, the Chairman & CEO of Tron Future Tech, expressed interest in collaborating with industry players. Taiwan’s strength in semiconductor manufacturing is considered a cornerstone of the country. Wang emphasized the importance of leveraging this strength to enhance satellite communication, remote sensing technology, and other applications. He also highlighted the drive to challenge existing applications, exploring new technologies and semiconductors to create better scenarios.

Additionally, Wang underscored the effort to foster synergy between space and other industries, such as defense, artificial intelligence, and automotive, including self-driving technology.

Anticipating the future, Wang predicted the growing dominance of optical space-ground communication links, underscoring the potential for substantial high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing data to become available in the next decade.