Next Generation Researchers are the Lifeblood of a Healthy Population, Strong Economy and Innovation Nation

Next Generation Researchers are the Lifeblood of a Healthy Population, Strong Economy and Innovation Nation

OTTAWA, June 1, 2023 – The next generation of health researchers is the lifeblood of a healthy population, strong economy and innovation nation, yet they are severely underfunded, according to Research Canada: An Alliance for Health Discovery.

“Due to stagnated research investments and rising inflation and cost of living, Canada’s young research talent is struggling just to make ends meet,” says Dr. Rose Goldstein, Chair of Research Canada and Professor of Medicine at McGill University. “We are driving away the world-class talent that is the future of Canadian health research and innovative health solutions. This trajectory cannot continue.”

This message comes as a petition to the Government of Canada demanding better graduate student and postdoctoral pay in Canada surpasses the 500 signatures required for the petition to be presented to the House of Commons. Led by grassroots organization Support Our Science and sponsored by Liberal Member of Parliament Iqra Khalid (Mississauga—Erin Mills), Canadians are calling on the Government of Canada to invest in Canada’s next generation of research talent through increased funding for graduate scholarships, postdoctoral fellowships and research grants via Canada’s granting councils.

“Research Canada fully supports the message of Support Our Science about the criticality of reinvesting in research students and trainees,” says Ms. Deborah Gordon-El-Bihbety, President and CEO of Research Canada. “Early-career researchers in Canada are primarily funded via investigator-led research grants awarded by the Tri-Agency. By reinvesting in research writ large, we will also enhance support for the next generation of research talent.”

“A strong, efficient and collaborative health research and innovation ecosystem is vital to ensuring a strong innovation economy for Canada, and research talent is the backbone of such an ecosystem,” says Dr. Ryan Wiley, Policy Advisor to Research Canada and President of Shift Health. “To compete in the global market and retain world-leading Canadian research talent, Canada needs to commit to substantial reinvestments.”

About Research Canada
Research Canada is a national alliance dedicated to increasing investments in health research through collaborative advocacy and engaging government, academia, industry and non-profit sectors to build support for long-term health research funding. For more information, visit .

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For inquiries:

Christie Tomkins
Manager of Policy and Public Affairs
[email protected]

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