No Sugar Company UK Partner with Innovation Visual

Innovation Visual recently formed an exciting partnership with the global, healthy snack brand, No Sugar Company. We are looking forward to helping this premium brand expand its market share and achieve its ambitious growth goals. Our work will focus on the UK market, and our objective is to replicate and exceed the success the brand has already achieved in North America.

Discover how the No Sugar Company plan to penetrate the UK market with the support of Innovation Visual’s strategic digital marketing expertise.

About the No Sugar Company

With over 1 million customers worldwide, the No Sugar Company’s core belief is that a healthy lifestyle is the key to a happy life. Their mission is to be the first company committed to having no sugar in any of their products, and they have already eliminated a staggering 604 million grams of sugar from their customers’ diets. No Sugar’s range of products are designed to be enjoyed alongside a healthy lifestyle, promoting wellbeing, weight loss, fitness and performance.

Find about more: No Sugar Company

No Sugar Company’s Goals & Ambitions for the UK

The No Sugar Company initially highlighted several key goals, which we used as the basis for devising an effective digital marketing strategy. Their main ambition is to replicate the growth they have enjoyed in their North American markets and penetrate the UK market in a similar way. With the company having already been introduced to millions of homes across America, now is the time to utilise Innovation Visual’s expertise, to leverage that progress and organically reach a similar audience in the UK.

Helping the No Sugar UK Team Achieve Their Goals with Digital Marketing Services 

We are just at the start of our journey with the No Sugar Company but have strategised an initial plan to implement quick wins, looking for ways to make a measurable impact in the short term, whilst preparing the framework for longer-term gains. Our goal is to achieve rapid and ongoing reliable growth within the UK market which will be achieved with a focus on organic search engine optimisation (SEO), identification of target personas and the creation of an effective content strategy.

Building Organic Traffic with an Effective SEO Strategy

As part of our strategy to increase the volume of relevant traffic to our client’s site, we aim to implement a programme of ongoing technical SEO to help their brand organically rank higher in search engines, as well as improve the overall performance of the site. For an effective SEO strategy to be produced, we will initially conduct vital keyword research, then map keywords to existing site pages which will serve as indicators of overall organic visibility and will help identify exactly what the target personas are searching for. We will then use this base as a platform to build out content on the top-level navigation pages, building organic visibility and traffic to the site.

Identifying Target Personas

To help us achieve our objectives for the No Sugar Company, it is important that we recognise the target audience and identify relevant personas to allow our team to understand the process of how we can directly target them. Furthermore, this will help us to achieve our goal of improving the onsite conversion rate to ensure we’re engaging visitors and increasing the likelihood of website visitors becoming customers.

Content Marketing

We will create a detailed content plan as part of the overall SEO strategy. The plan will focus on each stage of their buyer’s journey, whilst aligning it with the key terms derived from our keyword research, as well as the defined target personas. Developing optimised, quality content is key to attracting and then guiding potential customers through the sales funnel towards purchase, whilst also building visibility, authority and trust with search engines and users alike.

‘Their approach is flexible, and I am reassured by the skill and experience in the team…’

‘When the need arose to build up the digital marketing strategy for the launch of our No Sugar products in the UK, reaching out to the Innovation Visual team was top of mind. Having worked with them in the past, I valued the way they listened to what we needed, took time to understand our market and came up with some really great, solid strategies for achieving our objectives in the short, medium and long term. Their approach is flexible, and I am reassured by the skill and experience in the team. I look forward to a long and fruitful (sugar-free) relationship!’

        – Alison Mahoney, No Sugar Company UK 

We Can Support Your Digital Marketing Too

We are delighted to be assisting the No Sugar Company with their digital marketing efforts. If you would like to find out more about how we can help your business achieve its goals and objectives, then why not get in touch?