NUL Innovation Hub lauds UNDP – The Reporter Lesotho | Fresh News, Daily

United Nations Development Project (UNDP) Lesotho has recently invested more than M2million into the National University (NUL) Research and Innovation Hub.
The NUL Research and Innovation is a unique information sharing platform created by lecturers and students at the university. It is meant to share with member of the public, the excellent research and innovation work being done by lecturers and students at the NUL on a daily basis.
Its projects include: Tsa Mahlale, Mohalalitoe Natural Soap, Bohlale Sorghum Biscuits, Lekhoara Vertical Cropping and computer programmes.
The acting coordinator of the Innovation Hub, Timothy Thamae, says UNDP assists with innovative projects that assist the youth.
He said the partnership with UNDP has helped them a lot, adding that there are two apps currently being developed: one that helps in dealing with crime, and one that is used in the production of biscuits.
Thamae also stated that UNDP approaches the Hub if they have an idea to ask for collaboration and then finance it; the Hub itself does ask UNDP for assistance at times.