OMRON launches new RPM platform for hypertension – Med-Tech Innovation | Latest news for the medical device industry

Health monitoring and therapy firm OMRON Healthcare has launched OMRON Hypertension Plus in the UK, a remote patient monitoring (RPM) platform for hypertension, designed to help NHS clinicians to manage a patient’s medication plan remotely, based on the patient’s home blood pressure results. 

Hypertension Plus generates a tailored medication plan for the patient, which is recommended directly to the clinician, who can then accept or modify plans at their discretion and inform patients immediately over a dedicated mobile app. Over time, Hypertension Plus collates the patient’s blood pressure readings along with other key health parameters and inform clinicians when it’s time for their patients to progress in their treatment plan or if there is any urgent action to be taken. These recommendations are underpinned by an algorithm founded on medication titration techniques for hypertension, based on current National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines.

Over 150 UK practices are included in the roll out phase – managed by clinical commission groups (CCGs) – with further CCGs encouraged to join the initiative. This, combined with a wealth of home blood pressure devices made available through the NHS at Home initiative, will equip practitioners and patients alike with the latest digital tools to manage hypertension. Once rolled out across the UK, it is estimated that Hypertension Plus will save significant GP time and that up to a third of appointments for hypertension could be freed up, according to estimation by the National Association of Primary Care (NAPC). 

The platform incorporates a recommended activity programme for patients. As well as providing a regular cadence of readings, patients will be asked to complete a measurement week once per month, during which they will provide readings in the morning and evening each day. From these, the platform is able to determine how the patient is responding to their treatment and recommend personalised plan updates. The app also supports patients with insights on their condition to improve medication adherence and encourage beneficial lifestyle changes. 

The design of Hypertension Plus was shaped by the TASMINH home blood pressure trials, a clinical study that proved the potential to reduce blood pressure through self-management and remote adjustment of medications. In particular, TASMINH4 showed a 4.7mmHg blood pressure reduction in systolic after 12 months of using a telemonitoring platform to titrate when compared to usual care pathways.  

Drawing on its track record in hypertension management, OMRON developed OMRON Hypertension Plus to help relieve pressure on the healthcare systems. 

Paul Stevens, connected services and solutions director of OMRON Healthcare Europe, said: “Even before the current pandemic, long-term chronic disease management was creating significant strain on healthcare systems, with a shortage in healthcare professionals the norm across Europe. Hypertension Plus enables doctors to adjust the intake of prescription medication remotely and empowers patients to actively manage their condition to achieve a significant blood pressure reduction, which may result in significantly lower rates of heart attacks and strokes throughout the UK and Europe.” 

Dr Nav Chana, clinical director of National Association of Primary Care (NAPC) added: “COVID-19 has highlighted more than ever the importance of managing cardiovascular risk factors particularly in target populations. Technologies such as Hypertension Plus can help primary care clinicians to appropriately target their workload so that they are using their skills most appropriately and able to support patients with the resources they need to manage their blood pressure.” 

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a sustained impact on healthcare systems. As a patient cohort that requires regular check-ups and readings taken, Hypertension Plus has the potential to provide both resourcing relief to NHS staff, as well as regular remote input of new readings.