Open innovation and SME performance: The roles of reverse knowledge sharing and stakeholder relationships

Fu-Sheng Tsai (Ph.D., I-Shou University, Taiwan) is a Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan. His research fields include: Strategic Management, Technology Management (Knowledge and Innovation), Social Networks, Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, with interdisciplinary orientations. He serves as an associate editor of the Frontiers in Psychology and a regional managing editor for the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. He is also a reviewer for Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Group & Organization Management, Human Relations, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Management and Organization Review, Research Policy and other international journals. Working with international colleagues happily, he has published in Administration & Society, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Technovation, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Service Industries Journal, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Handbook of 21st Century Management (Sage), Biographical Dictionary of New Chinese Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders (EE), and other leading Chinese journals and edited books.

Sladjana Cabrilo (Ph.D. University of Novi Sad, Serbia) is a Professor in the Department of International Business Administration (International college) at I-Shou University, Taiwan. Dr Cabrilo’s major teaching and research areas are knowledge management (KM), knowledge economy, intellectual capital (IC), innovation and change management, leadership and business performance measurement. Her current interests focus on measuring and reporting of IC as well as IC-based innovation gap assessment. Her rich experience includes participation in numerous scientific and industry-related projects, publishing many scientific articles and papers, and lectures and presentations worldwide. Some of these were held at the George Washington University (Washington DC, USA), the World Bank (Paris), the Global Forum (Washington DC, USA) and the Austrian Development Bank (Vienna, Austria). She is a member of The New Club of Paris, Committee member of the European Conference on Intellectual Capital and a member of IC Group at Regional Chamber of Commerce (Serbia).

Hsin-Hui Chou (Ph.D. University of Manchester, UK) is an Associate professor at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan. He is also currently the director of Case Study and Development Center under the College of Management, NCKU. His research interests are focused on B2B marketing, value co-creation, platforms and ecosystems. His publications appear in Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, and Information Technology and People.

Feng Hu (Ph.D. East China Normal University) is a professor at the Institute of International Business and Economics Innovation and Governance of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. His research interests are industrial policy and management. His research has been published in various journals, such as Technological Forecasting & Social Changes, Management World.

Au Due Tang (Ph.D. Asia University, Taiwan) is a lecturer in the University of Danang, Vietnam. He received his Master’s degree in I-Shou University (an AACSB-accredited university). His research interests are organizational policy, strategic management with a focus on the Asia Pacific region. He has participated in some international conferences and published his work in Journal of Air Transport Management, Asia Pacific Business Review, and others.