Oregon State University Undergrad Research and Writing Studio wins 2019 ACRL IS Innovation Award | News and Press Center
CHICAGO— The Oregon State University (OSU) Libraries and Press has been selected to receive the 2019 Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Instruction Section (IS) Innovation Award for its Undergrad Research and Writing Studio, a dynamic and flexible space where students can develop skills in information literacy, media literacy, data literacy, and rhetoric and composition. The Studio was implemented by a team of writing center and library faculty including Dennis Bennett, Chris Ervin, Uta Hussong-Christian, Jane Nichols, Hannah Rempel, and Beth Filar Williams, and has grown through ongoing collaboration into a team of librarians, writing center staff, and media specialists.
The annual award recognizes a project that demonstrates creative, innovative or unique approaches to information literacy instruction or programming. Donated by EBSCO Information Services, the award consists of a plaque and cash prize of $3,000.
The Undergrad Research and Writing Studio is focused on hands-on and experiential learning, with help delivered at the point of need. It has allowed librarians at the OSU Libraries and Press to reimagine the traditional one-shot in first-year composition and across the curriculum, while also enriching the learning environment and extending the reach and impact of the university Writing Center.
“Oregon State University’s Undergrad Research and Writing Studio demonstrates an innovative and grounded approach to the peer education model by a meaningful collaboration between the library and writing center,” said award committee chair Jo Angela Oehrli of the University of Michigan. “The Studio allows peers to consult one-on-one, in small group sessions, or as whole classes on topics such as information literacy, media literacy, data literacy, and rhetoric and composition. Their work is deeply grounded in pedagogical best practices and offers an exemplary model for similar programs in libraries looking to innovate and collaborate in cross-campus spaces. This program has led to an increase in students receiving help, including growth among historically marginalized populations.”
For more information regarding the ACRL IS Innovation Award, or a complete list of past recipients, please visit the awards section of the ACRL website.
About ACRL
The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) is the higher education association for academic libraries and library workers. Representing more than 10,000 individuals and libraries, ACRL (a division of the American Library Association) develops programs, products, and services to help those working in academic and research libraries learn, innovate, and lead within the academic community. Founded in 1940, ACRL is committed to advancing learning and transforming scholarship. Find ACRL on the web, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading discovery service provider for libraries worldwide with more than 11,000 discovery customers in over 100 countries. EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) provides each institution with a comprehensive, single search box for its entire collection, offering unparalleled relevance ranking quality and extensive customization. EBSCO is also the preeminent provider of online research content for libraries, including hundreds of research databases, historical archives, point-of-care medical reference, and corporate learning tools serving millions of end users at tens of thousands of institutions. EBSCO is the leading provider of electronic journals & books for libraries, with subscription management for more than 360,000 serials, including more than 57,000 e-journals, as well as online access to more than 1,000,000 e-books. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com. EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., a family owned company since 1944.