Oslo Innovation Week 2019: Oslo European Green Capital Ambassador

For the fifteenth year in a row, Oslo Innovation Week (OIW) took over the Tiger City from September 23rd-27th. Oslo has a long history as being an advocate for greener cities, and this particular conference has always been a main player. Why, you ask? For starters, the 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are core to Oslo Innovation Week’s agenda.

This year, a few key events at this year’s Oslo Innovation Week had a specific thread of Oslo European Green Capital woven in. 

For example, one of the most popular breakfast events was Breakfast Talks: Oslo’s Climate Budget, organized by Senior Project Manager for the Oslo European Green Capital Project, Claire McAree. Here, the reasoning behind establishing a climate budget, similar to a financial budget, was brought to light and how it has  been developed as a governance tool for efforts to achieve Oslo’s C02 emission targets was discussed. 

Another event, A Plastic Promise, highlighted the city’s Plastic Manifesto, offering companies to start taking immediate action in reducing the use of and phasing out single-use plastics. Here, our Oslo European Green Capital Project team collaborated with the City of Oslo. In essence, any company signing the Plastic Manifesto also committed to our Oslo European Green Capital Industry Challenge to reduce plastic. 

The list goes on. But it would be remiss not to mention that earlier in the year, Oslo Innovation Week hosted a workshop on how event organizer’s at OIW  2019 could make greener, smarter decisions when planning their event. From this aspect, all event organizers participating this year were involved in the Oslo European Green Capital Project, by proxy at least. 

Thus, all people involved at Oslo Innovation Week – from speakers to organizers, attendees to panelists, startups pitching to jurors, volunteers to the main team- can be counted as an Oslo European Green Capital Ambassador. Green has never looked as good. 

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