Paul Chapman, How Bringing People Together Is Key to Innovation – InnovaBuzz 397

Paul Chapman, The Australian Turntable Company

In this episode, I’m really excited to have as my guest, Paul Chapman, Founder and Executive Chairman of The Australian Turntable Company, which is a 30-year-old specialist world-leading engineering company designing and manufacturing mechanical rotational movement systems. The company’s core business is delivering traffic management solutions through space optimization in the residential, commercial mining, and construction industries internationally.

Paul has fostered a strong global, quality, and innovative mindset to allow ATC to now export its products to over 20 countries worldwide and be recognised as a leading Australian Advanced Manufacturer. His current roles include strengthening the reputation of the multi-award-winning company as a world-class specialist solutions provider, promoting regional-based advanced manufacturing, and public speaking on innovation.

In our discussion, Paul talked to me about:

Dan Ahchow in episode 344 introduced us to Paul.

Listen to the podcast to find out more.

Show Notes from this episode with Paul Chapman of The Australian Turntable Company

Key points and takeaways from this episode include:

The Buzz – Our Innovation Round

Here are Paul’s answers to the questions of our innovation round. Listen to the conversation to get the full scoop.

To Be a Leader

Be optimistic. There are plenty of things to be optimistic about. You can do it. We all can do it!

Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Paul through their website and on LinkedIn.

Suggested Guest

Paul suggested we have a conversation with innovation and STEM thought leader, Graeme Wiggins. So Graeme, keep an eye on your inbox for an invitation from us to the InnovaBuzz Podcast, courtesy of Paul Chapman.

Cool Things About Paul