PestConnect wins CBRE Innovation Award 2018

Rentokil’s PestConnect monitoring system outshone other innovations to win the CBRE 2018 – ‘The Great Idea’ Award. Innovations from over 45 suppliers were voted for by CBRE teams across the UK, with eight chosen finalists presenting their innovations at the annual CBRE Preferred Supplier Event in London.

CBRE is the world’s largest commercial real estate services firm serving owners, investors and occupiers.

PestConnect won this prestigious award by clearly demonstrating, through a CBRE client case study:

  • 24/7 continuous rodent monitoring, with the swiftest possible response times
  • Reduced site disruption
  • Ongoing savings in time and money
  • Brand and reputation protection

Rentokil installed PestConnect for a CBRE client based in the heart of London. The 24/7 nature of the building use and the high levels of food kept within office and desks led to an extensive mouse infestation.

Rentokil installed an intensive level of rodent control using over 200 RADAR mouse trap units (Rodent Activated Detection And Riddance), with emphasis on baiting sub-floor voids. Inspections were carried out at weekends to reduce disruption to the client and within six months the rodent activity had been massively reduced. As the pest activity diminished the challenge was to maintain the highest levels of control, yet reduce costs and disruption for the client.

PestConnect 24/7 monitoring was installed across the entire building (including sub-floor voids and locked server rooms) allowing industry leading levels of response, control and reporting. Constant surveillance and immediate communication of rodent activity (via text alert from the PestConnect system) direct to technicians for urgent action at pinpointed areas of issue within the property, reduced the need for weekly physical inspections on the premises. This in turn led to reduced disruption on site and the associated costs for the CBRE client.

Global Sourcing Lead at CBRE, Angus Hanney said: “The client challenged us to WOW them every day’and the Rentokil PestConnect system certainly delivered this.”

PestConnect 24 / 7 – Real Time Rodent Control

The innovative PestConnect system provides continuous ‘round the clock’ monitoring (setting new industry standards). The integrated system monitors, captures and humanely controls rodent pests, whilst providing real time alerts and the fastest possible response. Using wireless technology, the PestConnect system works completely independently and discreetly, keeping watch over premises day and night.

How Does PestConnect Work?

Data from sensors placed in strategic locations throughout the premises, are sent wirelessly to a main control panel. Using a secure connection to a central server the data is then transferred into a protected database.

Using connected technology to monitor devices remotely means pest control can be provided in areas where previously it may have been far more difficult to monitor. This not only reduces disruption on the premises, but allows complete continuous pest control throughout the whole property.

As soon as A trap is triggered by a rodent a message is immediately delivered via the server to the local Rentokil technician, who will attend the site and investigate the pest issue.

Using this patented technology also provides the customer with increased management information and easier visibility of data and pest trend analysis, via access to the MyRentokil online portal. PestConnect also helps provide additional assurance to third-party auditors of audit compliance through comprehensive online reporting and documentation.