Pitch Your UX & UI Solutions At LOIC’s Fourth “Innovation Dating”
Here is your chance to pitch solutions to 40 innovation directors in Luxembourg. The fourth « Innovation Dating » has been announced by the Luxembourg Open Innovation Club. It will take place on October 16th at Foyer’s headquarters and will focus on Human-Centred Design i.e. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). If your solutions or services can help corporates tackle these topics, please apply no later than September 13th via this application form.
by: Luxembourg Open Innovation Club
photo: Alvaro Reyes / Unsplash
What is the LOIC?
The Luxembourg Open Innovation Club (LOIC) was born out of the understanding that big companies and startups/SMEs need each other. Startups/SMEs need ways to accelerate validation, market adoption and growth. In contrast, traditional companies need increased innovation through new solutions, business models, etc.
In partnership with the local entrepreneurial ecosystem, the LOIC enables collaboration between startups/SMEs and big companies based in Luxembourg.
Innovation Dating, what is it all about?
Human-Centred Design embraces all industries and sectors. It can be used anywhere and it pertains to both the digital and non-digital world. Corporates have well understood that using a human-centred approach to design and development brings substantial economic and social benefits for users.
On the one hand, User Experience (UX) is all about solving problems for users (including research, ideation, prototyping/design and test phases).
User Interface (UI), on the other hand, is used to design visual interfaces for interactive systems (including visual identity, visual design, interactive design and information design).
4 challenges, 10 startups and SMEs
Taking into account the aforementioned elements, corporate members have classified their challenges into four topics. Startups/SMEs’ solutions should demonstrate at least one of the following topics:
Analyzing user’s needs through UX research
- Deep understanding of the users’ needs, expectations, and pain points
- Qualitative research (interviews, observation, etc.)
Applying UX methodologies to solve problems
- Co-creation with users
- Storyboarding, personae & customer journeys
- Prototyping
- Iterating on existing user interface designs
Testing the solutions with real users and potential users
- Usability and UX tests
- Beta testing
- Measuring the UX
- Focused group sessions & other co-creation workshops for prototype testing
Demonstrating a strong customer-centric mindset
- Trainings & awareness sessions to internally raise awareness
- Moving from a product-centric approach to a customer-centric approach
- Using the UX and Design Thinking approach for internal purposes
Both young and mature startups/SMEs are welcome to apply.
Early stage startups/SMEs should, however, already have a developed prototype/MVP of their solution. They should also be able to provide data on their market validation and have a strong team backing their project.
Startups/SMEs are committed to pitch to LOIC members coming from a wide range of sectors (e.g. finance, insurance, logistics, industry, energy, corporate services, etc) and various positions (CEO, CIO, CTO, etc).
The article is sponsored by Luxembourg Open Innovation Club and reflects only the opinion of the author.
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