PwC: 5 Ways To Foster Diversity-Driven Innovation

Recently, PwC global & US New Ventures Leader Vicki Huff Eckert discussed a digitization opportunity for women in tech. Companies are digitizing many of their core business offerings and processes. And the upgrading of employees’ skills and ways of working to match these processes are also of utmost importance. And at the same time, fostering diversity-driven innovation is essential for organizations to become successful.
Earlier this year, PwC announced it was going to be running a $3 billion digital upskilling program. Plus PwC is going to be customizing its business process to evolve its offerings for the future.
Setting up a major workforce initiative while revamping teams and mindsets can provide an additional opportunity, which is to bring new voices to your teams and ensure that it is heard so they can innovate more effectively.
“As a woman in technology — I lead PwC’s New Ventures, where we build software solutions to license to clients — I have particular insights into the benefits that accrue when all types of people have a seat at the tech table. Integrating multiple generations and people from different backgrounds is critical,” said Eckert in a LinkedIn post. “At New Ventures, when we put together a team, we make sure to include diverse perspectives (not just gender, but backgrounds, experiences, and previous employers) so that people challenge each other, creating together the solutions that customers want.”
Eckert provided an example of when the company built its sales tax automation tool. The team did not want to include just tax and technology experts.
“To bake that expertise into a software-as-a-service product that someone with no tax background could use with ease, we pulled together men and women, boomers and Gen Zers, and different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, to make sure that the solution could appeal to all of our potential market. The team listened with empathy to our pilot customers’ needs and interests, ultimately delivering a comprehensive, valuable experience to customers,” explained Eckert. “This value in diversity is part of why at PwC, a third of our technologists are women — well above the industry average.”
Eckert acknowledged that even with all the progress that has been made, the industry still has a long way to go. The technology workforce still is not diverse enough to allow companies to take full advantage of the innovation potential. So she listed five ways that companies can foster diversity-driven innovation:
1.) Start at the top
Employees feel more supported when they have something in common with the boss. PwC US Chair and Senior Partner Timothy F. Ryan has prioritized CEO Action for Diversity and the company’s internal upskilling program.
2.) Make the value clear
Diversity should not be about PR or checking a box. It is about having a wide range of perspectives so that the business has a richer flow of ideas and is able to match client and customer perspectives.
3.) Demand a diverse applicant pool
Leaders and organizations should refuse to look at applicant pools unless it includes higher proportions of women and ethnic minorities.
4.) Support the pipeline
Many organizations fail to reach their potential because they lack “old boys’ networks.” And there are extra challenges if they choose to be parents. So inclusive mentoring and making sure women get the feedback they deserve is vital.
5.) Ally with others
When a more diverse team leads to better solutions, everyone in the organization benefits. So you will need to get men in tech on board with women in tech. And ask for their perspectives and support.