Read Our 7 Best Product Sustainability and Innovation Posts of 2023

Read Our 7 Best Product Sustainability and Innovation Posts of 2023

Key Takeaways: Explore aPriori’s most popular blogs on improving product sustainability and innovation Get sustainability insights from Grundfos and Eaton, read tips to address the EU’s “carbon tariff” (CBAM), and more The Full Article: As we close the book on 2023, here’s a recap of our most popular sustainable manufacturing posts during the past year. The following articles showcase how manufacturing organizations can innovate for a sustainable future and reduce negative environmental impacts. Here is a brief overview of each post: 1) The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Begins in October. Are You Ready? : Learn how manufacturers can reduce their carbon tariffs from the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Additionally, the post highlights how aPriori can help innovators mitigate their product’s carbon footprint, adopt energy-efficient operations, and make cost-saving decisions. 2) How Grundfos Advances Sustainable Sourcing with Digital Twins : Discover how Grundfos, the world’s largest pump manufacturer, leverages supply chain digital twins for sustainable sourcing. With the help of aPriori’s real-time manufacturing data and insights, Grundfos is improving product manufacturability and profitability while aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 3) How to Use Life Cycle Assessments in the Product Design Process : Discover the value of incorporating life cycle assessments (LCAs) in the early stages of product design. This post outlines how to use LCA data with aPriori to gain real-time insights into cost, manufacturability, and carbon equivalent (CO 2 e) emissions. 4) Greener Products Start with a Green Supply Chain : Get a high-level roadmap to assess the effectiveness of your green supply chain management program. Additionally, the post details how aPriori’s automated sustainability insights provide precise carbon baselines, enable sustainable sourcing decisions, and facilitate the removal of embodied CO 2 e. 5) How Green Energy Manufacturers Can Turn the Tide and Regain Profitability : Read four ways wind turbine and hydropower companies are improving their long-term profitability amidst inflation and other economic challenges. 6) How Eaton Created a More Resilient EV Supply Chain with aPriori : Learn how Eaton, a premier power management company, leverages aPriori to create a more resilient electric vehicle (EV) supply chain, trim expenses, and accelerate time to market (TTM). 7) aPriori’s Product Sustainability Software is Now Live : Discover how aPriori’s advanced product sustainability software empowers manufacturers with transparency to reduce cradle-to-gate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the supply chain (Scope 3). The platform provides actionable, real-time guidance to help companies accelerate their sustainable product development while boosting their bottom line. Navigating the Path Toward Sustainable Innovation for Future Generations This year’s top posts on product sustainability and innovation can help guide manufacturers toward a more sustainable future. For additional sustainability tips and insights, here’s a list of all our sustainable manufacturing blogs.