Reseller News Innovation Awards 2022: and the finalists are… – Reseller News

Reseller News is proud to announce the finalists of Innovation Awards in 2022, housing a record-breaking number of submissions in what will be the largest celebration of ecosystem excellence in delivering transformative customer solutions across New Zealand.
Set for Thursday 27 October, Innovation Awards will run as an in-person black tie event to bring the channel together under the Reseller News roof at Cordis Auckland.
Representing the entire Kiwi ecosystem, 217 finalists (including 55+ individuals) make the shortlist from organisations spanning partner, start-up, telco, vendor and distributor businesses.
This marks a significant expansion in reach, support and market appeal, outpacing a best effort of over 190 finalists in 2021 to position Innovation Awards as the leading technology awards program for customer innovation and ecosystem excellence in the New Zealand channel.
Reflective of a diverse technology network, finalists range from large-scale multinational consultancy firms to emerging start-ups, alongside leading system integrators, managed service providers and solution consultants, plus cloud specialists, independent software vendors, boutique agencies and application developers. This is in addition to channel-centric vendors, telecommunications providers and supply chain experts.
Within this standout group, finalists are located across the entire country — from North Island to South Island — including Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton, Tauranga, Palmerston North, New Plymouth and Whanganui.
Aligned to the Reseller News approach of representing established and emerging technology providers in equal measure, Innovation Awards in 2022 stands tall as the leading forum for setting the industry benchmark for ecosystem excellence across New Zealand.
“This is a stunning statement from the market,” said Cherry Yumul, Vice President of Channel at Foundry. “Irrespective of ongoing societal challenges and worsening economic conditions, New Zealand continues to power forward unperturbed — the ecosystem has once again raised the bar to set new levels of innovation.
“To house another record-breaking year of Reseller News Innovation Awards is testament to the transformative nature of our ecosystem — partners, start-ups, telcos, vendors and distributors are all playing a crucial role in delivering on the promise of technology to customers across the country. Congratulations to our standout finalists.”
In 2022, Innovation Awards will honour the channel across eight categories, spanning Partner Innovation, Tech Innovation, New Zealand-wide Innovation, Start-up Innovation, Personal Innovation, Vendor Innovation, Distributor Innovation and Hall of Fame.
In response to a wealth of standout submissions, Personal Innovation has been divided to best acknowledge and highlight the depth of talent in the Kiwi market. Technical Excellence will be segmented into two sub-categories spanning Partner and Vendor / Distributor awards.
This decision was made by the Reseller News shortlist panel consisting of Cherry Yumul (Vice President of Channel); James Henderson (Editorial Director) and Julia Talevski (Editor) with the aim of providing a foundation upon which a broader range of exceptional companies can be recognised.
In addition to honouring winners, Reseller News also holds wider responsibility for ensuring as many credible technology providers are endorsed through this unique awards program, aligned to the collective goal of providing a platform upon which the ecosystem can shine across New Zealand.
Finalists will now be selected by an executive judging panel of business leaders from partner, vendor and distributor organisations.
Reseller News congratulates all finalists and thanks all organisations and individuals for taking the time to submit nominations.
Partner Innovation recognises customer innovation and excellence across the key market segments of Enterprise, Mid-Market and SMB, in addition to pioneering technology specialists and collaborative providers.
Think Differently:
Tech Innovation recognises partners leveraging established and emerging solutions to enhance customer innovation levels, underpinned by deep levels of expertise and specialist services.
Digital Transformation:
Homegrown ISV:
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