SAP Trends For 2020: Predicted Technological Innovation in SAP

Standing at the verge of the year 2019, glaring towards the dawn of the new big things, the sap has been a trendsetter in technological innovation in ERP.

Considering the SAP trend for 2020 it appears to be with the emergence of the 5G technology expectations are that of larger Data movement simultaneously expansion in the volume of connected devices through IoT resulting in the requirement of the larger data platform in Cloud.

Following Are The Predicted SAP Trends For 2020:

SAP ERP technological trends for the year 2020

Machine Learning

A lot of you may have definitely heard about the Machine learning. There has been a lot of Buzz since the Beginning.

Here is a sneak peek of it.

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

Machine learning(ML) is an application of Artificial Intelligence(AI) that educates computers on how to perform a task by learning the data, Rather than having a Predefined set of Programs.

According to Forbes AI and ML single-handedly are set to create a Net value of 2.6 Trillion Dollars in New age tech and 2Trillion alone in Supply chain Planning.

Considering the importance of machine learning in Enterprise resource planning . SAP has enhanced its machine learning platform to validate Data scientists and developers to create more Futuristic Artificial Intelligence tools for the betterment of the enterprise driving more value to it.

How can Machine learning help Enterprise through SAP?

The ML Algorithms with their impeccable capability to analyze data can be vital for an enterprise in their decision making. It also comes with the ability to Stream the data into valuable insights for optimized decision making henceforth better outcomes.

 Ml in SAP Leonardo is said to be the future of ERP with a goal of Enterprise ready automation. According to the sources 

  • The SAP trend for 2020 suggests that the Growth of ML addressing basically about squaring of problems across different sectors of an enterprise.
  • Small and Mid-sized Business is said to have serious take away more than ever in the year 2020.
  • Enhanced and intensified Data synthesis to tackle Data challenges. 

forbes prediction on machine learning and artificial intelligence for the year 2020


Blockchain still sounds alien to some but though the technology is efficient, unique and its effects on business are astonishing and intriguing.

Blockchain is based on distributed ledger technology which is reliable, and difficult to hack record of transactions and of what who owns what.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a series record of data of transactions between consecutive peers which cannot be altered.

How does BlockChain technology help in ERP?

Transparency is what makes the Blockchain an added value for any enterprise. The incorporation with ERP which involves encrypted data transaction enables low risk and promise maximum security and IoT security.

What are the Benefits of Blockchain?

  • Blockchain is an Optimized flow of transactions with fewer dependents on intermediates such as a bank, Lawyers and brokers.
  • Advanced Automation makes it time-efficient, The swift transaction process makes time dependent on intermediates minimum.
  • Blockchain is said to optimize the business operation resulting in higher ROI.

Blockchain is said to have a revolutionary impact on certain industries such as supply chain, Utilities, and public sector as well as Governance.

blockchain predictions for the year 2020

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices that has the ability to transfer data over the internet with any human to human or human to computer interaction.

How IOT help Enterprise?

Iot ensures real-time data sensor info which leads to the formation of new business models and revenue. With efficiency IoT, it can control, monitor and optimize the supply chain and also the conservation of Resources.

IoT enabled devices are reported to be boosting workforce productivity. It empowering individuals in an organization to make the right decision and improve communication among the network.

IOT already has a bright impact on multiple industries such as Manufacturing, Automobile, and transportation.

Iot Trends For 2020 In SAP

  • According to studies, there is a prediction that  IOT will connect 21 Billion devices by the year 2020.
  • SAP is looking forward to the strengthening of Business intelligence.
  •  A unified integration network frame is developed so that the maximum device is connected for enhanced operations
  • The accuracy and availability Data Is going to play a major role in the Business operation and efficiency.

Iot technological prediction for the year 2020

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a method of processing and storing & managing a network in remote servers hosted on the internet rather than on a local server.

Many sap trends have been predicted that by 2020, 60% of ERP workload will be handled in a public cloud. As it is well-known SAP’s own SAP S/4 Hana cloud which is cloud version sap, s/4 Hana, as been up to the mark regardless of multiple revisions. 

All the existing SAP Hana customers will be operating in SAP Hana 2.0,consolidation   and revisions  of different Hana versions, numerous service packages will be the priority for the comming years.

Trends To Watch Out For The Year 2020 In Cloud Computing for SAP ERP.

  • Plans for the year 2020 is to initially reinforce different hana products and services packages and its revisions.
  • Considering the need for growth in SAP’s analytics cloud the consecutive growth in Data processing and the total number of connected devices strengthening the growth of analytics.
  • SAP strategy for Analytics for the year 2020 is by strengthening content support, MetaData enrichment, and enterprise readiness. 

Big Data

Big data is a huge ocean of Data, which can be analyzed, synthesized used to make valuable insights, such as trends, patterns, and associations. 

Compound annual growth of Big Data for the year 2020 is trending around 10% leaping around 76 billion dollars.

As they say “Data is the new oil”. It is going to play a major role in every aspect of human life has it is doing now and going to get better in the future. With the available overflowing amount data and the available data in the upcoming year .

Support for real-time Data  and Personalized ERP are the two major SAP ERP trends for the future.

Technological Innovation in SAP with the amount of data available will help Enterprise drive their Business into better outcomes.

Summary of  SAP(ERP)  Trends For The Year 2020

If we look back for the sap trends which were forecasted for the year 2019 which was predominantly for expanding the in-memory database computing with more security and flexibility. Also the Hybrid Cloud Management, Data Governance, and Data Management.

It has been a successful advancement in sap s/4 as it turned out to be a robust Digital core. Leonardo enhanced itself with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Considering the trend for technological innovation in sap erp for the year 2020, The solution revolves dominently on Data synthesis, management and articulating into valuable insights.

The core value of any ERP is to optimize workforce and automate the operations, The right technological inclusion can help enterprises to overcome the issues optimize the complete operation.

By the conclusion we can agree to David Essex of Techtarget that  ERP is bound be the core of digital business .The coming year for SAP trends are noticeable in advancement of technology opening gates for new technological Innovation in SAP .

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