Seraphim Launches Its Brand IP “Freeman” – A New Icon for Innovation and Sustainability

Seraphim Launches Its Brand IP “Freeman” – A New Icon for Innovation and Sustainability CHANGZHOU, China, Feb. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On February 2, 2024, Seraphim Energy Group unveils its latest brand creation, the introduction of its brand IP character, Freeman. This significant move in brand identity marks the advent of a new and vibrant phase for Seraphim. Freeman radiates vitality and wisdom, embodying the spirit of freedom and innovation that characterizes Seraphim. With the image of a pony freely galloping across the vast world, Freeman signifies the company’s commitment to openness and creativity. The resilient and brave traits of Freeman also mirror Seraphim’s professional competence and proactive approach. The overall image of this IP character encapsulates Seraphim’s vision of “Shifting the future, making the world a better place,” aligning seamlessly with the corporate culture that integrates sustainability, humanity, and economic benefits. ‘Freeman’ – Seraphim Brand IP Character This introduction of Freeman stands as a significant milestone in Seraphim’s ongoing brand development journey. Each member of Seraphim resonates with Freeman’s spirit, embodying an enterprising and determined attitude, contributing substantially to the progress of the solar industry and a greener world. Serving as a communicative bridge with the outside world, Freeman reinforces Seraphim’s commitment to an open and appealing brand image. As a global frontrunner in the solar industry, Seraphim consistently delivers sustainable and efficient renewable energy solutions to its global clients. Leveraging Freeman’s image as a medium, Seraphim is resolute in augmenting its brand influence and propelling ongoing innovation within the renewable energy industry. PR Newswire Asia Ltd. PR Newswire 1954年に設立された世界初の米国広報通信社です。配信ネットワークで全世界をカバーしています。Cision Ltd.の子会社として、Cisionクラウドベースコミュニケーション製品、世界最大のマルチチャネル、多文化コンテンツ普及ネットワークと包括的なワークフローツールおよびプラットフォームを組み合わせることで、様々な組織のストーリーを支えています。 本プレスリリースは発表元が入力した原稿をそのまま掲載しております。また、プレスリリースへのお問い合わせは発表元に直接お願いいたします。 このプレスリリースには、報道機関向けの情報があります。 プレス会員登録を行うと、広報担当者の連絡先や、イベント・記者会見の情報など、報道機関だけに公開する情報が閲覧できるようになります。