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Chcete si knihu přečíst?Book-Art: Innovation in Book Design ve formátu pdf? Dobrá volba! Tuto knihu napsal autor Charlotte Rivers. Číst Book-Art: Innovation in Book Design Online je nyní tak snadné!

Stunning showcase of the world’s most innovative book designsFollowing the success of CD-Art, DVD-Art, Mag-Art, and Poster-Art, Book-Art showcases an international collection of exemplary and innovative book design.From mass-market publications to glossy coffee table and exclusive artist’s books, Book-Art explores both the creative inspiration and the logistics behind the work.interviews with designers, Book-Art explores solutions for creating impact, directing readers through layers on information, and providing a usable publication and desirable object. It examines the use of colour, artwork, and typography to achieve successful covers and interior design; utilizing principles of information design; creating a three-dimensional element through the use of pop-ups, foldouts, and inserts; and adding value through the opportune use of printing and finishing methods.

…: Innovation in Book Design Paperback – February 1, 2010 by Charlotte Rivers (Author) › Visit Amazon’s Charlotte Rivers Page … The 10 Best Books on Innovation | Observer … . Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author. Are you an author? Learn about Author Central …
Book-Art follows on from the success of CD-Art, DVD-Art and Mag-Art.The area of book design and art is a continually evolving area, where new and innovative design is constantly being explored.The book explores the creative inspiration behind the work, such as typography, materials, printing techniques, photography a … Customer reviews: Book-Art: Innovation in Book … … .The book explores the creative inspiration behind the work, such as typography, materials, printing techniques, photography and backgrounds and bleeds, as well as the practical,
Get this from a library! Book-art : innovation in book design. [Charlotte Rivers] — Rivers provides a stunning showcase of the world’s most innovative book designs. From mas…