Successfully concluding the FIRE innovation project – Energi Danmark
The innovation project FIRE (Flexible Integration of Renewable Energy) has proven that by combining models for inflexible production and flexible consumption an algoritm can be developed to maximize value from taking that flexibility to marked. Energinet and Energy Cluster Denmark are behind the project, which included Energi Danmark, Hydrogen Valley, Center Danmark, Qampo, Enfor A/S, DTU and Aarhus University.
The FIRE algorithm can convert a large amount of flexibility and production data into models that can provide a more accurate pricing of future renewable energy and ancillary services.
Development of these prediction algorithms are becoming increasingly important. With more renewable energy coming into the grid, it’s becoming more difficult to guarantee security of supply and the stability of the electricity grid. Being able to better predict how flexible consumption is best planned in relation to inflexible production allows for value maximization and a more stable energy system.
“We need the electricity grid to be balanced. It is a constant challenge because consumption and production must be matched in real time, and because the future offers a huge difference in the total electricity production from periods when it is windy and the sun is shining, to periods when there is no sun and wind,” says Thomas Elgaard Jensen, Director of Origination at Energi Danmark and continues:
“In the past, this challenge was solved by adjusting production at conventional power plants as needed. We have a task to ensure that the electricity grid is balanced. The algorithms can help us solve that task.”
The projected started in 2019 and is concluded by August 2021.