Telling truth to power: What Anthony Fauci can teach about Making Courage Contagious – Courage Growth Partners – Innovation Leadership

Anthony Fauci was awarded Israel’s Dan David prize, valued @ $1 million, for speaking truth to power. “He’s the consummate model of leadership and impact in public health,” the awards committee, affiliated with Tel Aviv University, said in their statement, which recognized Fauci for “courageously defending science in the face of uninformed opposition.”

What can we learn from Fauci’s leadership – that can make us more effective in our jobs as business leaders, coaches and advisors, when we need to Make Courage Contagious?

Merom Klein PhD + Louise Yochee Klein PsyD are Principals with the leadership advisory firm, Courage Growth Partners. They prepare innovation leaders to be effective at moments of truth like telling truth to power – so those in power have courage to make good informed ethical business decisions that optimize value-creation and profit through turbulence. To see if you can profit from Making Courage Contagious, they invite you to take this free online test.