TestCard and Roche strike testing collaboration on cobas pulse – Med-Tech Innovation

British medtech company TestCard has signed a collaboration contract with Roche that will see its scanning technology, ClearScreen, included in the open digital ecosystem available to healthcare professionals on Roche’s cobas pulse system.

ClearScreen is a digital reading, recording, and reporting solution for medical tests developed by TestCard in 2021 for Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. The solution comprises a mobile app which aims to allow rapid testing and recording of test results at the point of care.

TestCard’s ClearScreen app will be available in patient and hospital settings through the cobas pulse system, enabling nurses to scan key point-of-care tests, such as urine strips.

TestCard’s chief scientific officer, Dr Andrew Botham, said: “We are very excited to be working with Roche to implement our ClearScreen app onto cobas pulse. Instead of a manual reading and reporting process, ClearScreen can analyse test strips at point-of-need immediately and more reliably than the human eye. The test results can then be shared in seconds to clinicians and the Electronic Patient Record (EPR). This makes it far easier for healthcare professionals to record, analyse and share results, making decisions about the patient’s care faster.”

Roche’s own Combur 10 UX Urinalysis Test Strips will be the first tests supported by the ClearScreen app. The strips are used in hospitals worldwide and detect and monitor kidney diseases and the genitourinary system, metabolic diseases as well as liver and haemolytic diseases.

TestCard’s chief executive officer, Chris Craig-Wood, added: “This collaboration with Roche is an incredibly important milestone for TestCard as we continue our mission of making point-of-care testing faster, more accurate and more accessible for our healthcare systems and ultimately, for patients.”