Textile Today Innovation Hub launches ‘TexTIMe’

Textile Today Innovation Hub launches ‘TexTIMe’ an exclusive talk show program that will be held on every Sunday at 4:00 PM. Today TexTIMe broadcast its first episode on the topic of ‘Export Growth and Retention’ at 4:00 PM.
Abdullah Hil Rakib, Managing Director, Team Group & Director of BGMEA, and ATM Mahbubul Alam Milton, Executive Director of Masco Group were present and shared their views and opinion regarding the current market situation. ASM Tareq Amin, Founder and CEO of Textile Today was the moderator of the program.
This talkshow is an innovative idea of Textile Today, basically to discuss the current problems of the industry and the highest possible solutions. Every week industry leaders will be invited where they will share their views and audiences will get the opportunity to ask questions also. This type of program exclusively for the textile industry is the first time in Bangladesh and thus Textile Today got huge appreciation from the guest and audiences.
Prof. Dr. Ayub Nabi Khan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology was connected by the moderator from the audience and shared his views and also urged to engage graduate in the industry to make the industry more efficient. In reply, Rakib and Milton both agreed to find out the scope.
The talk show was live in Zoom webinar, Facebook and YouTube. Alibaba Channel Partner Amin & Jahan Corporation Ltd. is the sponsor of TexTIMe.