The 40% that matters – training that cultivates Curiosity and Innovation — (Insight from Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., from his book Reset) | First Friday Book Synopsis

ResetI will be presenting my synopsis of Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval by Johnny C. Taylor, Jr. at this Friday’s First Friday Book Synopsis (over Zoom).  Mr. Taylor is the President and CEO of The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).  It is a good book. (Oct. 1, 7:30 am, CST. Details, with Zoom link, here).

This short post is about something that he wrote that absolutely intrigues me.  I should have grasped this; should have pondered this; but the numbers have definitely caught my attention.

Mr. Taylor says that about 60% of training is pretty set.  Meaning:  60% of training is on skills that must be learned to do the job (what we usually call hard skills), and on compliance issues.  In other words, this training has to be provided.

But the other 40% is more flexible.  We might call this, from the academic world, elective training.  This 40% is where people can be exposed to big-picture, big-think, new ideas.

40% that matters.  Maybe, the 40% that matters.

In his book, he puts a lot of emphasis on the power of curiosity.  He says that the curious mind will create the future.  I’m sold!

And…if I may be so bold…I believe that my book synopsis presentations feed that kind of thinking.  Good books can jump start curiosity, and keep the curious mind going forward.  My synopses provide a “deep immersion” into the content of books I present (that’s how one participant put it).

In other words, my book synopses could be a good addition in that 40% mix.

But…Whether you cultivate your curiosity by reading books, or in some other way, here’s the question:  what are you doing to nurture your curiosity?  And, what are you doing in your organization with that 40% of your training time?  Are you feeding and nurturing the curious mind?