The Agriculture,Technology and Innovation Trip to Rwanda

I traveled to Rwanda in September 2018 to attend the AGRF and to do consulting work for CTA , working with entrepreneurs building technology for the agriculture industry . About AGRF The AGRF is considered the most important and impactful forum for African agriculture in the world, drawing stakeholders in the agricultural landscape to take practical steps and share lessons that will advance African agriculture before. Established in 2010, following a three-year series of Green Revolution Conferences in Africa (CRRG) held in Oslo, Norway from 2006-2008, the AGRF emerged as a leading “platform platform of agriculture” Africa that brings together a range of critical actors in the African agriculture landscape to discuss and initiate programs, investments, and policies that can address the major challenges affecting the agricultural sector on the continent. About CTA CTA is a joint institution operating under the framework of the Cotonou Agreement between the ACP Group of States (Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific) and the EU Member States (European Union). CTA is funded by the European Union. Here are Videos form different parts of the Trip