The ENTP Writing Personality: Energetic Innovation – Write with Personality

Obedience hardly ever begets innovation.
—Neil deGrasse Tyson
Can learning about personality type help you make the most of your natural writing style?
ENTP writers enjoy the pre-writing stage. They may come up with many good ideas quickly. Often skilled at detecting patterns and envisioning outcomes, they trust their insight and resist prescribed methods. The writing process itself may prove tedious to them, but if they persevere, their work is often thorough and multifaceted.
The ENTP personality type is one of 16 identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a popular psychometric instrument used to determine how people prefer to gather information and make decisions. The initials ENTP indicate the following:
E: Extraversion preferred to introversion
ENTPs get their energy from people and activity in their external world. Spending time alone can leave them listless and bored. They enjoy interacting with a large group of friends and acquaintances. They generally act before reflecting.
N: iNtuition preferred to sensation
ENTPs are abstract thinkers, placing more trust in flashes of insight than in experience. They’re less interested in sensory data than in the patterns perceived by the unconscious mind. ENTPs tend to be intellectually restless—they want to change the world.
T: Thinking preferred to feeling
ENTPs prefer to use their thinking function when making decisions. They place more emphasis on the rule of logic than on the effect that actions have on people. They tend to be skeptical in evaluating ideas, whether their own or someone else’s.
P: Perception preferred to judgment
ENTPs like to keep their options open. They enjoy beginning new projects and exploring opportunities as they arise. ENTPs think in terms of possibilities rather than likelihoods.
Are you an ENTP writer? If so, the following information may give you some insight into how temperament influences your writing style. Use these insights to help you play to your strengths and compensate for your natural blind spots.
Writing Process of the ENTP
If you’re an ENTP, you may approach a writing project in the following ways:
Potential Blind Spots of the ENTP
As an ENTP, you may experience the following pitfalls:
Remember, there’s no right or wrong approach to writing. Each individual is unique, so don’t let generalities limit you. Do what works best for you.
Do you have any tips for ENTP writers? Leave a comment and share your experience.
Also, for more information on this subject, check out the sources below.
Write from the Start by Ann B. Loomis
What Type Am I? by Renee Baron
Your Personality Type and Writing: ENTP from the Villanova University website
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