The Inflation Reduction Act: What It Means For The U.S. Workforce, Consumers, And Climate – Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) is the most significant climate legislation in United States history— $370 billion in climate and clean energy investments could help cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions roughly 40 percent by 2030. The IRA will accelerate transportation and building electrification, invigorate the U.S. clean energy supply chain, and enhance U.S. global competitiveness. But how will it help average households and consumers? What does it mean for workers and the economy? And what’s required to ensure successful implementation? Tune in to hear from two experts who will explain how consumers, workers, and the economy will benefit from IRA electrification provisions!

Guest Bios:

Jessica Eckdish is the Vice President of Legislation & Federal Affairs with the BlueGreen Alliance, where she directs the Alliance’s federal legislative, policy, and partnerships on climate, energy, and infrastructure issues. Prior to this role, she worked with the Sierra Club as Washington Representative, working on a range of federal issues including public health and clean air and water protections. She holds a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from UC Santa Barbara and an M.A. in Global Environmental Policy from the School of International Service at American University.

Mark Kresowik is a Senior Policy Director with the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) where he works at the local, state, utility, and federal levels to accelerate ambition for improving energy efficiency and center those most historically overburdened and underserved in our communities. Prior to joining ACEEE, Mark managed federal and international policy for RMI’s Carbon-Free Buildings Program and led clean energy campaigns with the Sierra Club for nearly 15 years. Mark graduated with honors from the University of Iowa.

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