The Most Important Innovation, According to Bill Gates – iHLS

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Bill Gates has spoken out about the most innovative technology in the market during a recent podcast with the German business site Handelsblatt. In his opinion, Improvements in artificial intelligence are the “most important” innovation at the moment.

“This will change our world,” he continued. “The applications of generative AI like OpenAI’s ChatGPT could improve office efficiency, drafting invoices and letters.”

“Until now, artificial intelligence could read and write, but could not understand the content. The new programs like ChatGPT will make many office jobs more efficient by helping to write invoices or letters,” he said.

Microsoft announced this week that its Bing search engine will be powered in part by ChatGPT AI technology. Google also recently announced Bard, its ChatGPT competitor.

The optimizations that AI can offer for reading and writing, Gates said, will make a “huge impact.” In the health care and education spaces, Gates said, AI can tangibly improve efficiency and meaningfully improve outcomes.

“The easiest way to understand it is that AI has got very good at speech recognition and visual recognition, but they essentially couldn’t read,” he said. In other words, traditional AI platforms couldn’t actually process the language they were taking in. But newer platforms, like ChatGPT, are capable of training, improving, and reading and writing through new knowledge.

Prepared to dive into the world of futuristic technology? Attend INNOTECH 2023, the international convention and exhibition for cyber, HLS and innovation at Expo, Tel Aviv, on March 29th-30th

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