The Rising Need to Bring About Innovation in Learning – Yuvashakti Model School

The Rising Need to Bring About Innovation in Learning

We live in a world where change is the only constant. Technological developments are the order of the day, and new facts come to light in diverse fields of arts and sciences every year. In such a rapidly advancing global scenario, is it fair to hold on to the ways of teaching and learning that were followed decades ago? The answer is an obvious no. Keeping up with the times is a dire necessity of our era. The conventional modes of learning no longer make the cut in the professional fields or in terms of practical applications.

We, at Yuvashakti Model School, believe that the aim of modern education extends far beyond getting the best grades at every assessment. In fact, it involves earning those grades through an effective internalization of knowledge that facilitates an understanding of real-world implications. And, this can only be ensured when learning is not set in traditional paths or boundaries.

Having said that, here’s shedding some light on our views on the rising need to bring about innovation in learning.

An approach that encourages research and exploration

At Yuvashakti, positioned among the top 10 schools in North West Delhi, we believe that the foremost reason to need innovation in learning is to encourage the students to research, explore, and use the tools available to them to uncover something beyond the books.

Encouraging a different way of taking a look at problems and their solutions mold the thinking process in a way that inspires creativity. In other words, think of innovation like a good science project that relies on making use of the existing answers to come up with better solutions.

Keeping the focus on the demands of the learners

Innovation is about letting the students drive the instructions through their needs and zeal towards learning. We need to make it all about the students in the way we impart knowledge in the classrooms, formulate our lesson plans, or give projects and assignments.

In this scenario, a change in the direction of the class is welcomed by the teachers in order to ensure that nothing interesting is being missed out or to try a better way of educating the children about a particular subject.

A bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical applications

There is no denying the fact that the theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge have remained separated for far too long. When learners are bound solely within the demarcations of bookish knowledge, we are neither satiating their curiosity nor preparing them for future scenarios.

Thus, we believe experiential learning is one of the first steps towards innovation in education, where the dots between the theoretical knowledge and its real-world applications are effectively connected.

Preparing a legion of future developers and innovators

The modern times are all about going off the beaten path and thinking out of the box. Such creativity is searched for and appreciated in any professional arena. But, it is important to keep in mind that the initial motivation of the kids to take a step in a different direction should come from us. We cannot expect our children to be the flag bearers of future developments if we fail to give them a learning experience conducive to that from an early age.

We, at Yuvashakti Model School, one among the most renowned schools in Sector 3, Rohini, firmly believe that both the mentors and the mentees have an equally important role in spearheading the innovations in learning. As our young learners are ready for the new and improved approaches, it is time for us to step up and meet the demands of the times in teaching, grooming, and preparing them for the future. And, we believe that the accomplishments of our alumni, as well as our current students, is proof enough that we have met those demands consistently.